Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
It is up to you how you take my post.

I know who the phone is for, and I know loads about your mum.

I was merely pointing out how simple it is to get this information off Google, like I said the first image that comes up shows a phone with big buttons then plenty of pay as you go sim options below and links to Vodafone elderly people etc.

The fact you've decided to take my post the way you have is on you

"It's not the mouth it comes out of but the mind it goes into"
No , that post was your MO , it's what you like and you do this with other posters too

You have done it before on these sort of threads , there is no other way to take it , you are trolling , which as you have told me before is what you enjoy doing .

I think you should just act like an adult and just ignore such threads , unless you are being helpful . I know how to use Google but I prefer to throw certain things out there rather than trawl through the Internet, loads of folks on here are more tech staff than I ever want to be or even are interested in being . New sound system ? Tablet ? I am following what , in general are decent people are advising me . Obviously if I had an issue with nuclear physics I would expect you to chip in .