Steve Morison said in his press conference (he's started doing them now, rather than the Zoom meetings) that Colwill needs to learn how to use his six foot four inches more both in terms of all round strength and heading the ball. He also said that Colwill has much more ability than he ever had and if I read him right, I think he was saying that it would be a bit of a waste to just use him as a number nine. If that's what our manager meant, then I agree with him because he has to be more of a number ten surely than a target man - albeit I agree that, with his height, he should be another aerial threat.

Think some in this thread are being a bit hard on Colwill - he's nineteen, is probably our main creative threat, is our joint top scorer and has played a very prominent part in two of our wins (Forest and Preston), sparked a comeback from 3-0 down at Stoke and was a factor in our win last week, is there any other player in this division that could be applied to?