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Thread: Another Brexit Bonus

  1. #51

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    I’m really looking forward to being 120 because that’s when Rees-Mogg says the benefits of Brexit will start flooding in.

  2. #52

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I’m really looking forward to being 120 because that’s when Rees-Mogg says the benefits of Brexit will start flooding in.
    I'm looking forward to being 120 so people stop moaning about brexit!

  3. #53

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    You've just written some predictions there. Not facts. The facts show that almost five years after the vote the UK is generally performing on a par with the EU and a year after leaving we are generally outperforming our peers - needless to say the pandemic makes a proper analysis impossible but you can only go on the facts at hard.

    This isn't what was promised by the 'Britain Stronger in Europe' case which predicted house price crashes, rising unemployment, a stock market crash and an immediate recession.

    All nonsense. There's an analysis of it here.

    I really don't know why people keep harking back to a time now more than five years in the past. There's pros and cons, sure, but just focusing on the negatives will just mean you don't see or exploit the opportunities and will grow increasingly bitter. Times have changed.

    Oh God. There you again. Why can't you understand that current trade figures are not a conclusive measure of the impacts of Brexit?. I'm sure even you accepted that - many threads and many posts ago. Maybe JamesWales has got the prediction of impact on productivity of Brexit right and OBR have got it wrong. We'll see.

    We left the EU on Jan 31st 2020, not 5 years ago, by the way.

  4. #54

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by Swiss Peter View Post
    Oh God. There you again. Why can't you understand that current trade figures are not a conclusive measure of the impacts of Brexit?. I'm sure even you accepted that - many threads and many posts ago. Maybe JamesWales has got the prediction of impact on productivity of Brexit right and OBR have got it wrong. We'll see.

    We left the EU on Jan 31st 2020, not 5 years ago, by the way.
    You clearly haven't read my post. I state 'five years after the vote to leave and a year after leaving'

    It's not me making extreme predictions here. And yes I accept the current state of the world means you can't make clear conclusions yet. I'm not doing that though, that's you. I'm just calmily stating facts.

    And as you allude to earlier; there's far more to assess than trading figures. But when looking at wage growth, GDP growth, unemployment, the stock market, foreign investment, house prices (which I actually want to slow down considerably) etc etc etc the reality is that the predictions of doom haven't happened.

    Maybe they will. But they haven't. Some kind of acknowledgement of that would be nice

  5. #55

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    You clearly haven't read my post. I state 'five years after the vote to leave and a year after leaving'

    It's not me making extreme predictions here. And yes I accept the current state of the world means you can't make clear conclusions yet. I'm not doing that though, that's you. I'm just calmily stating facts.

    And as you allude to earlier; there's far more to assess than trading figures. But when looking at wage growth, GDP growth, unemployment, the stock market, foreign investment, house prices (which I actually want to slow down considerably) etc etc etc the reality is that the predictions of doom haven't happened.

    Maybe they will. But they haven't. Some kind of acknowledgement of that would be nice
    I read it - just didn't see the relevance of the 5 year reference.

    We agree then that you can't draw firm conclusions yet. You seem to draw comfort from how things are panning out currently - I am the opposite.

    One thing. The status of the City of London. I did see this as a serious threat given the economic impact of a decline in UK financial services. So far that threat is playing out less dramatically than some commentators were predicting. Well, at least we seem to be broadly maintaining what we had already. For now, at least.

    Btw, where am I saying you can draw firm conclusions?! I was saying the exact opposite (....actually, don't bother. Enjoy your Saturday )
    Last edited by Swiss Peter; 04-12-21 at 13:11. Reason: more

  6. #56

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by Swiss Peter View Post
    I read it - just didn't see the relevance of the 5 year reference.

    We agree then that you can't draw firm conclusions yet. You seem to draw comfort from how things are panning out currently - I am the opposite.

    One thing. The status of the City of London. I did see this as a serious threat given the economic impact of a decline in UK financial services. So far that threat is playing out less dramatically than some commentators were predicting. Well, at least we seem to be broadly maintaining what we had already. For now, at least.

    Btw, where am I saying you can draw firm conclusions?! I was saying the exact opposite (....actually, don't bother. Enjoy your Saturday )
    Yeah, enjoy ur Saturday too mate 👍

  7. #57

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Nearly every 'prediction' of doom regarding Brexit has proven to be totally untrue. I can't think of a single one that hasn't? Maybe something around some fishing problems? Perhaps it's true when you re-read it that the predictions referred only to teething problems hidden behind apocalyptic headlines?

    It was always going to be so, for three key reasons.

    1 / the public generally don't vote against their own economic interests.

    2 / the predictions were always nakedly political and impossible to obtain a genuine non partisan prediction for

    3 / even if the predictions were true (and they werent) when circumstances or variables change then the results change. So for example if importing something from abroad did become trickier (and in some cases it has) then the purchaser is now probably buying the same product from within the UK. There's no net economic cost, just a change
    Yeah just the £80 billion extra costs per year which has led to national insurance increasing. Exports and imports down significantly. Nhs and care on the brink due to staff shortages.

  8. #58

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Yeah just the £80 billion extra costs per year which has led to national insurance increasing. Exports and imports down significantly. Nhs and care on the brink due to staff shortages.
    That's made up stuff though isn't it. And if you think there were no staff shortages before 2020 then I have a bridge to sell you. National Insurance rises to cover social care. Looking after our elderly parents doesn't come free.

  9. #59

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    That's made up stuff though isn't it. And if you think there were no staff shortages before 2020 then I have a bridge to sell you. National Insurance rises to cover social care. Looking after our elderly parents doesn't come free.
    Please point out where I said there were never staff shortages before? Exactly I didn't, you know you've got such a weak argument there you actually just made up what I said and argued against that. But it's undeniable that brexit has made that situation far far worse.

    £80 billion a year is widely quoted https://www.ft.com/content/6885073e-...9-5a7bc6122d72

    And we wouldn't need to have increased national insurance if we weren't hemorrhaging money from brexit.

    How much have the tories added to our debt? £1.1 trillion?! You say things aren't free but then you vote for a party who has decimated our economy.

    Many in my generation are so utterly beyond fed up of people like you and are counting down the days until your voting block (which had all the advantages and passed **** all onto us) pisses off.

  10. #60

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Please point out where I said there were never staff shortages before? Exactly I didn't, you know you've got such a weak argument there you actually just made up what I said and argued against that. But it's undeniable that brexit has made that situation far far worse.

    £80 billion a year is widely quoted https://www.ft.com/content/6885073e-...9-5a7bc6122d72

    And we wouldn't need to have increased national insurance if we weren't hemorrhaging money from brexit.

    How much have the tories added to our debt? £1.1 trillion?! You say things aren't free but then you vote for a party who has decimated our economy.

    Many in my generation are so utterly beyond fed up of people like you and are counting down the days until your voting block (which had all the advantages and passed **** all onto us) pisses off.
    Yeah but our economy isn't decimated in the slightest

    National debt increased, no question. But that's what furlough and the rest does.

    And how old do you think I am btw🤣

    Wishing death on people doesn't encourage people to see things your way either. It makes people think you must be a right bellend..won't listen to him then.

  11. #61
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    You do get the feeling that people are preying Brexit doesnt develop into a positive ,driven by political views and dislike of certain politicians or parties, you would hope that people could celebrate success if that's the outcome.

    Let's be fair though not one of us know if it be a success or failure , as this is a long journey , the one thing we can agree on its not been the devastation as some predicted , in fact some have seen welcome wage increases at the lower end of the pay scales and jobs like HGV drivers an there's jobs to be had.

  12. #62

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    You do get the feeling that people are preying Brexit doesnt develop into a positive ,driven by political views and dislike of certain politicians or parties, you would hope that people could celebrate success if that's the outcome.

    Let's be fair though not one of us know if it be a success or failure , as this is a long journey , the one thing we can agree on its not been the devastation as some predicted , in fact some have seen welcome wage increases at the lower end of the pay scales and jobs like HGV drivers an there's jobs to be had.
    This broadly is my views on it. I really think some don't want to see success. Generally those with more financial safety net I would suggest.

    It's well past the time to move on

  13. #63

  14. #64

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by ninian opinian View Post
    Well done to Boris and his sycophants yet again 👍

  15. #65

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    You do get the feeling that people are preying Brexit doesnt develop into a positive ,driven by political views and dislike of certain politicians or parties, you would hope that people could celebrate success if that's the outcome.

    Let's be fair though not one of us know if it be a success or failure , as this is a long journey , the one thing we can agree on its not been the devastation as some predicted , in fact some have seen welcome wage increases at the lower end of the pay scales and jobs like HGV drivers an there's jobs to be had.
    What planet are you on? People are against brexit because it's devastating to the economy (source - https://fullfact.org/europe/online-c...contributions/), this isn't an opinion, it's a stone cold fact.

    So stop saying NoBoDy KnOwS HoW iT wIlL TuRn OuT because I can't think of one realistic scenario where it brings in benefits, don't forget next year we will see more consequences.

    Honestly I look around at the people who voted for brexit and it's usually people who are either old (and generally clueless about how their generation have destroyed the economy for young people) or were in the retard class at school.

  16. #66

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    What planet are you on? People are against brexit because it's devastating to the economy (source - https://fullfact.org/europe/online-c...contributions/), this isn't an opinion, it's a stone cold fact.

    So stop saying NoBoDy KnOwS HoW iT wIlL TuRn OuT because I can't think of one realistic scenario where it brings in benefits, don't forget next year we will see more consequences.

    Honestly I look around at the people who voted for brexit and it's usually people who are either old (and generally clueless about how their generation have destroyed the economy for young people) or were in the retard class at school.
    Did you even read the article you posted as 'evidence'. Quote from the second paragraph

    "While it’s difficult to put a single, definitive figure on the economic impact of Brexit, these claims don’t currently add up."

    UK is currently outperforming our peers on most measures on official latest economic data. Do I need to repost this stuff again?!

    It is too soon to form a clear opinion, especially with Covid, but to say Brexit is devastating the economy is frankly, plain wrong. Even if it is damaging (and the data doesnt suggest that but I'll accept it could be true in some cases) then you need a far more anodyne verb than 'devastating'.

    I'm sure from other posts you are a rabidly anti-Thatcher too, so god knows why you now are so supportive of membership of a free-trading arrangement that is essentially Thatcherism on steroids.

    Get a grip and realise it's nearly 2022 now, not 2016 or you'll just be even further left behind.

  17. #67
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    A lot of folk are now saying (including European modellers) that the UK will not have the predicted devastating turmoil we do need to move on and stop moaning .

  18. #68

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    A lot of folk are now saying (including European modellers) that the UK will not have the predicted devastating turmoil we do need to move on and stop moaning .
    A lot of folks say lots of things (in a folksy sort of way). That's all folks 👍

  19. #69

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    A lot of folks say lots of things (in a folksy sort of way). That's all folks ��
    Yes, the Annual GDP growth rates for the UK and the EU up until Quarter three 2022 are significantly in the UK's favour.


    However, facts are always better than predictions, so we will wait and see.

    In the meantime, I have them at hand for FBPE cultists.

  20. #70

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Yes, the Annual GDP growth rates for the UK and the EU up until Quarter three 2022 are significantly in the UK's favour.


    However, facts are always better than predictions, so we will wait and see.

    In the meantime, I have them at hand for FBPE cultists.
    Weren’t our most recent growth figures (announced last week) described as disappointing?


  21. #71

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Weren’t our most recent growth figures (announced last week) described as disappointing?

    Yep, the latest estimates, especially the monthly data were disappointing, albeit on the back of what were generally very good before that. The general picture remains pretty positive, all things considered and compared to our peers.


    No one should get carried away because that would be unhelpful, but more so, no one should paint a disastrous picture that is manifestly false.

    Unemployment and wage growth data out tomorrow.

    Inflation on wednesday - that won't be pretty.

    The fun never ends does it!?

  22. #72
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Think the key fact from everything posted from whatever politically leaning media outlet , there doesn't seem to be the awful disaster, thank god as that would have hurt a lot of people .

    I voted to remain as it seemed less complex than leaving .

    Wonder what a vote would deliver now ?

  23. #73

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus


    so is Brexit bad? or have we just handled covid worse than anyone else?

  24. #74
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post

    so is Brexit bad? or have we just handled covid worse than anyone else?
    We don't know until we get out of Covid .

    I suggest its remarkable to see where we are considering the doom and gloom fired out by many over Brexit and then Covid .

    Is the country more resilient than we thought and were the right decisions made .

    And I do wonder if the painful austerity measures applied due to financial crash has given us some wriggle room, although it did cause pain for a lot of working folk ??

  25. #75

    Re: Another Brexit Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    We don't know until we get out of Covid .

    I suggest its remarkable to see where we are considering the doom and gloom fired out by many over Brexit and then Covid .

    Is the country more resilient than we thought and were the right decisions made .

    And I do wonder if the painful austerity measures applied due to financial crash has given us some wriggle room, although it did cause pain for a lot of working folk ??
    It’s been claimed that it caused more than pain.


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