Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
My masculinity can take it, I think for some it's the reasons behind the woment on the TV its just a token gesture, pandering whatever you want to call it. There was nothing wrong with it, why change it etc.

That Alex Scott tries way way too hard as well, microanalysis on throw ins and overly explaining way too much. Trying to prove herself. I think it's stupid to have them, I wouldn't say it angers me in any way now, or my fragile masculinity can't deal with it, I just don't see the point in them.

Was the same with Lions coverage, commentary team usually all ex lions unless I am mistaken? Why do they feel the need to add a women's International that has played test rugby but not been on a lions tour? The other blokes are all ex lions, at this rate they may as well have any ex test International on there.from the blokes too, isn't the whole point because they have a history with the lions and how it all works etc. Then they slap her bang in the middle of them. Things like that ARE pointless, it is definitely about being inclusive, PC all the rest of it and pandering.
As usual, people quickly polarise in discussions on here and descend into ad hominem attacks very quickly. I actually agree with Dembe to some degree (a very rare occurence indeed) as although we as a society need to be far more inclusive and on a grand scale, my personal opinion is that females are being shoe-horned disproportionately in to some roles in the sporting media.
I realise that it is done for the right reasons but I think the recipe needs tweaking a wee bit. I think I recall seeing Gareth Thomas as the single male panellist of three for a (male) Wales international game in the last year or so, which seemed disproportionate. If my memory has failed me I would be happy to hold up my hands, of course.
There should always be room to debate a matter in the space between two extreme positions and there is if we cannot consider a bit of fine tuning between two absolutes it would be unfortunate.