Interesting reading some of the messages around what do people who voted for boris now think. The insinuation always being that those who voted tory were blinded by affection for Boris and unable to look at policy.

I voted Conservative at the last election, i thought they were better than the alternative. I can't see me voting for them next election because the cabinet appears to be infested with sleaze. Can't say I'm a fan of Boris as a human, although I didn't mind the results of him being pm. Even before covid the government were spending huge amounts of money on increasing public services, mostly because johnson wanted to be everything to everyone. I think the country needed more spending, but personally I worry about what a labour party piss their money away with.

Really don't get the hatred for Starmer. After the likes of the utterly vile comrade corbyn and the morally bankrupt Boris, I'd be quite happy to see a boring but intelligent person in charge