Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
Pretty hard hitting stuff from someone who has been involved with SAGE.

Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
Dear god lets all break the law, spread a virus and blame an inpet government , whatever. happened to personal responsibility, do the right thing without being told too , and caring for others when life's are at risk .

Dreadful weak argument and morally wrong .
Did you read Steve Reicher's piece?

Where in that did you find anything resembling what you have just claimed?

He is saying that despite the inept government the public have generally obeyed the law, taken personal and collective responsibility , done the right thing and cared for others. He has been saying that in opinion pieces throughout the pandemic. But the actions of this inept government has made it harder and given an excuse to the minority who do not want to take responsibility.

So what in that did you find to be 'dreadfully weak' and 'morally wrong'?