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Thread: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

  1. #1

    Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    It seems perverse to me that some of the most vocal anti vaxxers in my locale are still intending to get their dog’s annual vaccine!!

  2. #2

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    You are talking about people who are refusing to have a vaccination from a virus that might kill them, or give them life-altering permanent issues, because of some bullsh!t that someone on Facebook came up with.

    I'd stop looking for logic when dealing with morons.

  3. #3

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
    You are talking about people who are refusing to have a vaccination from a virus that might kill them, or give them life-altering permanent issues, because of some bullsh!t that someone on Facebook came up with.

    I'd stop looking for logic when dealing with morons.
    One of my mother's carers previously was a vaccine refuser or whatever its called


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Good read on why we have anti Vaccine Hesitancy


    5Cs model, which considers the following psychological factors:

    Confidence: the person's trust in the vaccines efficacy and safety, the health services offering them, and the policy makers deciding on their rollout

    Complacency: whether or not the person considers the disease itself to be a serious risk to their health

    Calculation: the individual's engagement in extensive information searching to weigh up the costs and benefits

    Constraints (or convenience): how easy it is for the person in question to access the vaccine

    Collective responsibility: the willingness to protect others from infection, through one's own vaccination

    I think it gives a kind listing as to why and I'd add a few more like intelligence , race , religion, western medicine , big pharma ,politics, naivety .

  5. #5

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Just found out a very loud annoying person I know who is an anti vaxxer and has been banging on for over a year about what a government hoax the whole thing is, just tested positive for the very thing that apparently doesn’t exist….

  6. #6

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Just found out a very loud annoying person I know who is an anti vaxxer and has been banging on for over a year about what a government hoax the whole thing is, just tested positive for the very thing that apparently doesn’t exist….
    That's unfortunate

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    One health trust has 14 midwives not wanting the vaccine and may resign ??

    1/3 Londener's without jab .

    It's been put down as anxiety??

  8. #8

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Good read on why we have anti Vaccine Hesitancy.
    I think the main reason for this ‘mystery’ is blatantly obvious - the fact is that a significant percentage of the UK’s population are idiots.

    We’re more than 22 months into a global pandemic and yet a considerable proportion of the British public haven’t yet mastered the art of wearing a mask properly. That tells us all we need to know.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    6 million remain unvacinated mainly under 40's third of those are within the 18 to 24 age group .

  10. #10

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Seems to be a very one eyed approach to this on here. A man I used to work with has had life changing negative effects from the vaccine and I myself have had serious health concerns have the potential to be linked to it.

    Do I believe in Covid? Of course I do! Do I believe vaccines play a major part in our recovery as a nation? Of course I do!

    Do I have reservations and am I scared to have my booster due to what I've experienced? 100%!

    There are other options other than:-

    1. Up for the vaccine
    2. Crazy crack head anti vaxxer

  11. #11

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by UNDERHILL1927 View Post
    A man I used to work with has had life changing negative effects from the vaccine…..
    What happened to him?

  12. #12

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    When it comes to these idiots, I’m happy for natural selection to take its course.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Some will argue its about democracy and choice , I notice neither party wants to support mandatory vaccine , there is even defence given to health or care workers not being forced to take the vaccine .

  14. #14

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by UNDERHILL1927 View Post
    Seems to be a very one eyed approach to this on here. A man I used to work with has had life changing negative effects from the vaccine and I myself have had serious health concerns have the potential to be linked to it.

    Do I believe in Covid? Of course I do! Do I believe vaccines play a major part in our recovery as a nation? Of course I do!

    Do I have reservations and am I scared to have my booster due to what I've experienced? 100%!

    There are other options other than:-

    1. Up for the vaccine
    2. Crazy crack head anti vaxxer
    Spot on. Easy to ridicule those with legitimate concerns as “anti vaxxers” or “morons”.

    My brother is a medical doctor, and very wary of the vaccine - and he’s not planning on taking it until there are longer term safety and efficacy tests. He’s certainly not an “anti-vaxxer”, “moron” or “covid-denier”.

    He works in A&E and has treated many young previously healthy men in the their teens and twenties presenting with heart issues following being vaccinated.

    I’m due for my booster this week, and will happily do so - I’m comfortable that although the risk of covid for my age (mid 40s) is very low, it’s greater than the tiny risk of the vaccine. For our children who are statistically at virtually zero risk of covid, I would far rather see some long term safety data.

  15. #15

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
    You are talking about people who are refusing to have a vaccination from a virus that might kill them, or give them life-altering permanent issues, because of some bullsh!t that someone on Facebook came up with.

    I'd stop looking for logic when dealing with morons.
    The worst thing about these morons is that they prioritise what they saw on Facebook or their ideology or whatever against pragmatic action and science. And because of that, they are contributing to high hospitalisations, which effects us all by limiting hospital beds. And the issue is that to avoid the overloading of the NHS, restrictions are needed. Added to this, they are keeping the virus in circulation more than the unvaccinated are.

    In short, their “choice” is having adverse effects to us all, who have chosen to get vaccinated, wear masks etc. And I think that we are in a situation that is comparable as being held in hostage because we face possibly needing restrictions because of some people’s refusal to get vaccinated (and be careful in general).

    It is crazy how social media misinformation has led to such a butterfly effect

  16. #16

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    I just hope they take more care of their dogs than they do themselves.

  17. #17

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by pomeroy;5256546[B
    It seems perverse to me that some of the most vocal anti vaxxers[/B] in my locale are still intending to get their dog’s annual vaccine!!
    Anti-vaxxers make most noise....

  18. #18

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    What happened to him?
    Lost the feeling and use on one side of his body, issues with his lungs, uses a wheelchair to get around. Appreciate this is a very extreme reaction but scary none the less.

    I had an artery tear in my neck which could have caused a stroke at 41. A bit of googling (I realise that's not complete fact) and I see I'm not alone in that. Went to a private consultation and he couldn't rule out the vaccine being involved, and that's enough of a concern for me.

    Vaccines are without a doubt amazing but the long term unseen effects of this really concern me.

  19. #19

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Re-sign Carl Dale View Post
    He works in A&E and has treated many young previously healthy men in the their teens and twenties presenting with heart issues following being vaccinated.
    One doctor has treated ‘many’ cases? Are you sure….?

  20. #20

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by UNDERHILL1927 View Post
    Lost the feeling and use on one side of his body, issues with his lungs, uses a wheelchair to get around. Appreciate this is a very extreme reaction but scary none the less.

    I had an artery tear in my neck which could have caused a stroke at 41. A bit of googling (I realise that's not complete fact) and I see I'm not alone in that. Went to a private consultation and he couldn't rule out the vaccine being involved, and that's enough of a concern for me.
    Are the problems in first case you mentioned confirmed as being a result of the vaccine? Also, out of interest, how old is the person involved?

    As for your case, I completely understand the concerns when you develop a problem around the same time as getting the vaccine. It’s the same with any medication. This much I know from personal experience. You always worry that the medication was the cause of the issue even if there is no direct evidence. I think that’s only natural.

  21. #21

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    I know a guy who took the vaccine then got hit by a car 2 days later. They are not safe and I won’t be taking one

  22. #22

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Are the problems in first case you mentioned confirmed as being a result of the vaccine? Also, out of interest, how old is the person involved?

    As for your case, I completely understand the concerns when you develop a problem around the same time as getting the vaccine. It’s the same with any medication. This much I know from personal experience. You always worry that the medication was the cause of the issue even if there is no direct evidence. I think that’s only natural.
    They were confirmed mate yeah. He's about 55

    And yeah, I may be being overly cautious but having to go to A and E and be referred to the stroke clinic at relatively healthy 41 is scary.

    I'm not usually like it at all, the drugs do indeed work, in fact I'm on antibiotics and steroids as I type and ironically on aspirin to limit the chance of me having a stroke due to the artery tear so science works 💯

  23. #23

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    One doctor has treated ‘many’ cases? Are you sure….?
    There is definite evidence that there is a increase risk of heart conditions in the young

    Someone I know had a blood clot from vaccine complications and ended up losing a few fingers

  24. #24

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitman View Post
    I know a guy who took the vaccine then got hit by a car 2 days later. They are not safe and I won’t be taking one
    That'll go down as a Covid death then 🤣

  25. #25

    Re: Anti Vaxxers and their dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by UNDERHILL1927 View Post
    And yeah, I may be being overly cautious but having to go to A and E and be referred to the stroke clinic at relatively healthy 41 is scary.
    The week before last, a good friend of mine’s son was shopping in the city centre. He began to feel a bit dizzy, so he left the shop he was in for a bit of fresh air. A minute or so later, he collapsed. Fortunately, the receptionist of the hotel he was outside at the time saw it happen and rushed to his aid, as did a couple of passers-by.

    He was rushed to hospital, where it was discovered he’d had a stroke. He’s recently turned 15! He had no known health issues prior to this. He was kept in hospital for a few days and is now undergoing various tests to try to find out the cause. He hadn’t had the vaccine, so that definitely wasn’t a factor. Scary stuff.

    I can understand your worries. I’m sure I’d be the same. It’s the conspiracy theorists, the space cadets and the arrogant individuals who think they are somehow bullet-proof that irritate me. But then, as you know, most people irritate me if the truth be told. 🙂

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