Quote Originally Posted by Tito Fuente View Post
James Wales:

"If this was true (which it probably isn't) then how many UK citizens have actually had their citizenship revoked?"

Life on Mars:

"Nobody seems to want to answer this amazing question babes!"
In three posts you have already developed the ability to bastardize other people's posts but still put them in inverted commas.

The reason no UK citizen has had their citizenship revoked under this law is that it isn't a law yet. It's another one of Patel's populist gimmicks chasing the people who go apoplectic at the sound of Shamima Begum's name. No doubt all those 100 or so Tory MP's who humiliated Johnson in the name of civil liberties will be the first through the lobbies to vote for this one though.

So for once LoM is right when he says that what you wrote in the name of Gluey like balance is untrue.