Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
I can remember demonstrations , gatherings ,vocal expression , social/ media outpouring about things like re branding and here we are with a senseless Welsh Government ban on sport events all of which could all be easily be controlled with proof of double vaccines and booster only attendances ( and yes strict vaccine passport entry games ) .

We were told a long time ago sensible social distancing in out door settings would be safer and healthier than indoor cramped indoor environments .

Having had going to work yesterday, had a few beers after in pubs , did some shopping this morning I would estimate I came in contact with hundreds of people in an indoor environment putting me at a far great risk than being sitting in our 30k stadium with say 12/13k fans in the open air .

And people still say these are sensible measures and not an attack of ones freedoms .

The best rule of all was threatening fines on workers £60 attempting to go to work if they were found able to work from home , but not fine them if they were in a pub for 5 hours with hundreds of others .

Bonkers and worrying .
So tired of the pubs being open argument. It doesn't mean that pubs are safer than stadiums, it just means the WG have decided to prioritise hospitality over sports when trying to reduce the spread.