Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
Of course.

It has the benefit of restricting transmission. To me personally though it stops me getting it (% of the time) and should stop it from being a serious illness, if it would have been. Added bonus being I don't pass it to someone else.

I get it, I'm pro vaccine, I think they are marvellous, I just don't want people for whatever reason to be punished for not having them.

Opt in/opt out you still have choice and you don't have your life restricted by governments for not taking up other things. As foolish as you are for not doing so if you can have them.

Plus when I've been vaccinated three times in 6 months and I can't even watch the football outside or meet a group of others at a pub I can also see why some younger people would be hesitant to bother.
He does have personal choice. He decided not to get vaccinated. But it comes with consequences, as do just about all of our choices.

If I'm taking a course and don't want to take an exam, I don't have to, but the consequences are that I won't pass.

And yeah, life has been shit for the last two years but it's not the fault of vaccines.