Quote Originally Posted by Rock_Flock_of_Five View Post
I don't know whether you can 'coach' someone to take free kicks like he did.
It's a talent that you either have or don't have. He would have developed a lot of those skills in his teens, honed through just hours of practice, practice, and more practice, until he's acquired the muscle-memory.
Sorry to disagree but I think you can coach somebody to strike a dead ball better.
Take Rugby and NFL they both employ kicking coaches.
Neil Jenkins being a prime example.
All of the Welsh goalkickers improved under him.
Every golfer has a coach to improve their ball striking.
It takes someone to take a look at say Ralls for example at tell him how he can be better at deadballs.
You can only do this by hours of one on one coaching.
Not saying you can be as good as Whitts was but I would wager that he would have made players better.