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Thread: IF Drakeford says...

  1. #26

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    Nobody 'needs' hospitality. The funding is there to keep them afloat whilst the restrictions are in place. People do need hospitals though. I'd rather the thought of an ambulance turning up for me than the awful prospect of having to order a drink from your seat, what an ordeal.
    Its not just ordering from seats though theres restrictions meaning reduced capacity in pubs.

    Im quite happy sitting in a pub with table service. The landlords and staff with bills to pay are not.

  2. #27

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Maybe it's Beijing pulling his strings you mean?

    Nice distraction tactic from Westminster. Blame the Chinese.

  3. #28

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Nobody needs hospitality. Only the people who rely on the income for their livliehood. Most people working in pubs, restaurants.etc are on zero hour contracts. The funding doesn’t come close to recompensing the industry and its staff.
    I agree, though I would add that people do need hospitality. For mental and even physical health and to create an economy that funds hospitals and to create a society worth living in.

    Yes, a temporary shut down of hospitality may have been justified at the height of the pandemic, but now, as England has shown, doing so is just an example of flexing political muscles and being overly risk averse.

    I feel incredibly sorry for anyone in hospitality, as I do for those coerced into working from home with talks of fines imposed.

    He's not had a bad pandemic but Drakeford has overstepped the mark of late.

  4. #29

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Nice distraction tactic from Westminster. Blame the Chinese.
    yep I thought that too, strange how this has been made public now isn't it

  5. #30

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post

    The reaction he gets is hilarious.

    drunk on power because he was slightly more cautious in easing restrictions than some nearby countries?.
    I don't think it's going to make anyone's top ten of examples of people being drunk on power any time soon.
    I agree. All the stick he's had is unbelievably unwarranted an ill-thought.

    The national media regularly and subtly tried to undermine and ridicule him, perhaps it's because he's been quite publicly scathing of the Tories.

    This Welsh Government has done an incredibly good job at propping up the Welsh economy during the pandemic whilst following scientific advice.

  6. #31

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by B. Oddie View Post
    I agree. All the stick he's had is unbelievably unwarranted an ill-thought.

    The national media regularly and subtly tried to undermine and ridicule him, perhaps it's because he's been quite publicly scathing of the Tories.

    This Welsh Government has done an incredibly good job at propping up the Welsh economy during the pandemic whilst following scientific advice.

  7. #32

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by B. Oddie View Post
    I agree. All the stick he's had is unbelievably unwarranted an ill-thought.

    The national media regularly and subtly tried to undermine and ridicule him, perhaps it's because he's been quite publicly scathing of the Tories.

    This Welsh Government has done an incredibly good job at propping up the Welsh economy during the pandemic whilst following scientific advice.

    He did at the start ,and most of the electorate would agree, but he has lost his way as many have alluded to.

    The turning point for me was when he classed baby clothes, sanitary products and kids toys at Christmas “non essential “ resulting in huge numbers rushing out to stores and mixing.

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I agree, though I would add that people do need hospitality. For mental and even physical health and to create an economy that funds hospitals and to create a society worth living in.

    Yes, a temporary shut down of hospitality may have been justified at the height of the pandemic, but now, as England has shown, doing so is just an example of flexing political muscles and being overly risk averse.

    I feel incredibly sorry for anyone in hospitality, as I do for those coerced into working from home with talks of fines imposed.

    He's not had a bad pandemic but Drakeford has overstepped the mark of late.
    Make your mind up. In post 20 you're saying no one needs hospitality and now you're saying that what he is doing to it is wrong. You ca't have it both ways.
    does anyone really believe he would have left hospitality open if he could have closed it without having to pay them compensation? Not a chance!!
    He wouldn't do it because he knew Westminster was saying leave hospitality alone so they wouldn't fund it and he won't give pubs his own budget money. Pubs and restaurants are losing money rapidly, either having to have more staff for fewer customers because of table service or because the have to close as they cannot afford to operate--- but that is their choice not Drakeford's so he is not responsible.
    If he could he would have shut everything down again not just people going to work, it was having to give them money that stopped him. He doesn't care if they go broke, he doesn't them anyway.
    I hope with all the money he is saving with this and all the roads he is not going to build that possibly he can help NHS Wales to at least catch up with England if not better it. But I won't be holding my breath.

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Apologies to Mr Wales, it wasn't him in post 20, it was Dave blue.
    Mea culpa

  10. #35

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    He did at the start ,and most of the electorate would agree, but he has lost his way as many have alluded to.

    The turning point for me was when he classed baby clothes, sanitary products and kids toys at Christmas “non essential “ resulting in huge numbers rushing out to stores and mixing.
    Im pretty sure sanitary products were essential.

  11. #36

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Tesco thought they were not , initially, so they must have been told , then they backtracked due to a public backlash.

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Maybe it's Beijing pulling his strings you mean?

    As soon as you see the name Barry Gardiner in the media run for cover , would fit well into Corbynista Drakeford dream team

  13. #38

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by B. Oddie View Post
    I agree. All the stick he's had is unbelievably unwarranted an ill-thought.

    The national media regularly and subtly tried to undermine and ridicule him, perhaps it's because he's been quite publicly scathing of the Tories.

    This Welsh Government has done an incredibly good job at propping up the Welsh economy during the pandemic whilst following scientific advice.
    By the same token there’s those with theirs Anti-Tory , Labour rose tinted glasses on that will not concede that some of the decisions he has made are illogical.

    Politics has become almost football like tribal.

  14. #39

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    As First Minister the buck stops with him.
    Indeed but that's a different thing.

  15. #40

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Something will be announced tomorrow. It's the end of the main three week cycle (even though they have been having weekly updates) and already hints are being dropped. The article below is on the BBC today where Eluned Morgan is setting up a gimmee for Drakeford to knock in and be the hero.

    Also Andrew RT Davies (what a pompous name) tweeted that he was glad there was going to be a review announcement tomorrow.

    Swansea have already moved their game next weekend to 12:30pm expecting it to be behind closed doors. I wonder if the Gov will announce Monday 24th as the day restrictions will be lifted if data continues to support it. That way Drakeford has time to reverse it if cases go haywire, he also gets another week or so of control and it will follow one week after Scotland.

    There are "very positive signs" that Wales is "coming to the peak" and "possibly turning the corner" on the coronavirus wave, a minister has said.

    Health Minister Eluned Morgan spoke ahead of Friday's announcement of the latest review of Covid restrictions.

    "It would be a huge, huge relief" if Wales was reaching that stage, she said.

    Wales' rules were last tightened on 26 December, meaning no more than 50 people can attend a sporting event.

    The rules have forced many teams to play behind closed doors.

    Social distancing restrictions are also in place in businesses and a rule of six applies in hospitality venues such as pubs and restaurants.

    Welsh Tory Senedd leader Andrew RT Davies called for the rule of six and sport restrictions to be scrapped.

    He said it was "time to move forward as we learn to live with the virus".

    Plaid also called for sport restrictions to be lifted if Wales has reached a peak.

    In Scotland restrictions on large outdoor events, including football matches and concerts, will be lifted from next Monday.

    Giving evidence to the Senedd Health and Social Care Committee on Thursday, Ms Morgan said: "I know that in London about 10% of the population are ill with Covid and in Wales it's about 6%.

    "So that's a significant difference and, obviously, we're hoping that we're coming to the peak now.

    "And if we arrive at a peak of 6% and they're at 10% then, actually, there is real cause to celebrate, that is a snapshot that you can look at.

    "We are clearly keeping a very close eye on the data at the moment but there are some very positive signs, I'm pleased to say, in terms of us possibly turning the corner, which would be a huge, huge relief."

    Her comments contrast with those of First Minister Mark Drakeford two days ago, when he said modelling suggested rates getting worse over the next week.

    He indicated that ministers could ease restrictions in a week's time, but cautioned that it was a "big if" whether Wales would be in a position for that to happen.

  16. #41

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Tomorrow's game should be played in front of a crowd.
    Would we come back on Saturday though if we got ‘ammered?

  17. #42

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Yes, drunk on power.

    All along he has played politics to be different to England. Look at me, I’m calling the shots in Wales.

    For all their faults, and there are way too many, at least the Tories give a shit about the economy and keeping the wheels of industry turning.

    Here in Wales it’s head in the sand worrying about covid even though the vaccine has been rolled out and no thought for the economy, mental health, people missing appointments and operations for other issues.etc

    Putting in illogical restrictions which are having little impact on infection but a big impact on the economy of Wales.

    Nevermind it has a survival rate of 99.7% and probably higher the more we get vaccinated, let’s just do all we can to protect a tiny fraction of the population of having a few more years on an already long life whilst we ignore the damage it’s doing to our children’s futures. Teenagers and young adults will be the ones to pay for these decisions for many years to come, probably the rest of their lives.

    England are now past the peak of Omnicrom, where was the big NHS collapse that Drakeford warned about? Even with all the data and all the reports from those further into the variant than we are saying it was mild he still won’t row back and lose face, blaming this variable, or that variable. I’m surprised the guy can cross the road by the time he takes into account the chances of being run over and the variables to consider.

    Ironically, for all his posturing and showing Wales are independent of Westminster he’s probably set Welsh independence back decades.

    Governed by the most corrupt, dishonest, shameless government on one side and Dictator Drakeford on the other. Oh what a time to be a Welshman living in Wales.
    I like this….have you been listening to one of my rants outside my kids school?

  18. #43

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post

    Ironically, for all his posturing and showing Wales are independent of Westminster he’s probably set Welsh independence back decades.

    Not sure what you're basing this on, support for Welsh Independence has surged in the last two years



    I don't think these current restrictions would turn that on its head

  19. #44

  20. #45

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    all good to go for the rugby six nations


  21. #46

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Not sure what you're basing this on, support for Welsh Independence has surged in the last two years



    I don't think these current restrictions would turn that on its head
    This board's a bit out of step when it comes to support for devolution/independence etc

    I assume it's because of the age profile

  22. #47

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    This board's a weird anomaly in many ways when it comes to support for devolution/independence etc
    I'd love to know what sample of the population are involved in these polls. A genuine independence vote would be really interesting. Only then would we get a true picture and I suspect the turnout would be less than great.

  23. #48

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Does this mean that there will be crowsds for the forest game?

  24. #49

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Not sure what you're basing this on, support for Welsh Independence has surged in the last two years



    I don't think these current restrictions would turn that on its head
    How many people polled? And where? Is it a large sample size across the whole country? North and South?

  25. #50

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    This board's a bit out of step when it comes to support for devolution/independence etc

    I assume it's because of the age profile
    Who says I don’t support it?

    It’s just my opinion that Drakeford and his draconian
    rules and dictatorship style would not have appealed to the less informed, average Welsh voter.

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