Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
Interestingly she is Permanent Secretary to Michael Gove. Now that's a man who knows how to wield a stiletto!

That said she is in a difficult position as the system is almost set up either to exonerate or not reach definitive conclusions. In that system the idea that a civil servant could conclude on the fate of a Prime Minister is far fetched as this is ultimately a political matter.

There is a need for a truly independent body to investigate and report on these matters to Parliament rather than people like Gray and Geidt, hamstrung before they start.
The Met have just issued a statement https://twitter.com/pippacrerar/stat...080894976?s=21

Basically they are waiting for Gray’s report before deciding whether to prosecute. So next time you commit a crime just say to the old bill, hang on I’m just waiting for my mate to write a report and when he does, I’ll let you know if I’ve committed a crime