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Thread: IF Drakeford says...

  1. #51

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    I'd love to know what sample of the population are involved in these polls. A genuine independence vote would be really interesting. Only then would we get a true picture and I suspect the turnout would be less than great.
    There's a Cardiff uni blog that regularly posted the full results with demographic breakdown etc, I don't know if they still do it

    I imagine people said similar in Scotland for a while and probably the same about a referendum on leaving the EU. Would turnout be low? To get to a referendum there'd have to be a strong enough level of support for it so there'd be motivation on both sides. You can point to the devolution referendums but they were small fry, especially compared to breaking away from the UK state entirely. I imagine turnout would be quite high as we saw in Scotland & with Brexit.

    Does polling mean independence is around the corner? No, that was a sharp rise which I imagine is fairly soft. However there has been consistent support for greater powers for some time, it's quite surprising how quickly anti-devolution sentiment melted away.

    Edit: Here's that blog: https://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/electionsinwales/

  2. #52

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage Shanks View Post
    Does this mean that there will be crowsds for the forest game?
    Depends how bloody minded Drakeford is. He could open up a whole weekend of sport if he says from Fri Jan 28th, or piss everyone off if he says from Monday Jan 31st.

  3. #53

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Who says I don’t support it?

    It’s just my opinion that Drakeford and his draconian
    rules and dictatorship style would not have appealed to the less informed, average Welsh voter.
    I didn't mean you in particular, just the board generally

  4. #54

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    all good to go for the rugby six nations

    Of course…never in doubt

  5. #55

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    You can point to the devolution referendums but they were small fry, especially compared to breaking away from the UK state entirely.
    And there's the rub. What percentage of the Welsh population would genuinely want to break away from the UK? I believe it would be very small. Plaid Cymru's share of the vote in Wales is consistently small - just 10% in the last general election. I think that paints a truer picture than any polls. I'm sure a reasonable percentage of people would like Wales to have a greater level of autonomy, but outright independence? I don't believe there is a widespread appetite for that despite the shambles at Westminster.

  6. #56

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    I’m sure it will continue to rise if we have many more English Tory governments- who are now the UKIP party by another name. They are dragging us into a banana republic.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    I’m sure it will continue to rise if we have many more English Tory governments- who are now the UKIP party by another name. They are dragging us into a banana republic.

  8. #58

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Yes, drunk on power.

    All along he has played politics to be different to England. Look at me, I’m calling the shots in Wales.

    For all their faults, and there are way too many, at least the Tories give a shit about the economy and keeping the wheels of industry turning.

    Here in Wales it’s head in the sand worrying about covid even though the vaccine has been rolled out and no thought for the economy, mental health, people missing appointments and operations for other issues.etc

    Putting in illogical restrictions which are having little impact on infection but a big impact on the economy of Wales.

    Nevermind it has a survival rate of 99.7% and probably higher the more we get vaccinated, let’s just do all we can to protect a tiny fraction of the population of having a few more years on an already long life whilst we ignore the damage it’s doing to our children’s futures. Teenagers and young adults will be the ones to pay for these decisions for many years to come, probably the rest of their lives.

    England are now past the peak of Omnicrom, where was the big NHS collapse that Drakeford warned about? Even with all the data and all the reports from those further into the variant than we are saying it was mild he still won’t row back and lose face, blaming this variable, or that variable. I’m surprised the guy can cross the road by the time he takes into account the chances of being run over and the variables to consider.

    Ironically, for all his posturing and showing Wales are independent of Westminster he’s probably set Welsh independence back decades.

    Governed by the most corrupt, dishonest, shameless government on one side and Dictator Drakeford on the other. Oh what a time to be a Welshman living in Wales.
    Absolutely staggering view.

    And bollocks.

  9. #59

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Absolutely staggering view.

    And bollocks.
    Crawl back under your rock you pillbug.

    If it was left to the likes of you we would all be locked down and all out of a job.

  10. #60

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Yes, drunk on power.

    All along he has played politics to be different to England. Look at me, I’m calling the shots in Wales.

    For all their faults, and there are way too many, at least the Tories give a shit about the economy and keeping the wheels of industry turning.

    Here in Wales it’s head in the sand worrying about covid even though the vaccine has been rolled out and no thought for the economy, mental health, people missing appointments and operations for other issues.etc

    Putting in illogical restrictions which are having little impact on infection but a big impact on the economy of Wales.

    Nevermind it has a survival rate of 99.7% and probably higher the more we get vaccinated, let’s just do all we can to protect a tiny fraction of the population of having a few more years on an already long life whilst we ignore the damage it’s doing to our children’s futures. Teenagers and young adults will be the ones to pay for these decisions for many years to come, probably the rest of their lives.

    England are now past the peak of Omnicrom, where was the big NHS collapse that Drakeford warned about? Even with all the data and all the reports from those further into the variant than we are saying it was mild he still won’t row back and lose face, blaming this variable, or that variable. I’m surprised the guy can cross the road by the time he takes into account the chances of being run over and the variables to consider.

    Ironically, for all his posturing and showing Wales are independent of Westminster he’s probably set Welsh independence back decades.

    Governed by the most corrupt, dishonest, shameless government on one side and Dictator Drakeford on the other. Oh what a time to be a Welshman living in Wales.
    Spot on.
    Same as the booze tax fiasco.

  11. #61

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    This board's a bit out of step when it comes to support for devolution/independence etc

    I assume it's because of the age profile
    Possibly, but there still hasn't been any vote in Welsh history I'm aware of that has shown a majority in favour of independence (or where Plaid have got the most votes). Given what was being said in the year prior to the vote, Plaid Cymru's performance in the election last May has to be viewed as disappointing.

    For myself, I've never been closer to backing an independent Wales in my life, but still have this feeling that a vote for Plaid is a wasted one and a possible way of letting the Tories take control of the Senedd - maybe there are thousands in Wales who feel like this?

  12. #62

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    I don’t know anyone who wants an independent Wales….it’s bad enough as it is with the plaid Labour love in

  13. #63

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    just heard on the TV that Wales are lifting the restrictions in 2 weeks, I can only guess thats in time for the 6 nations ? ? ? ?

    or maybe Drakeford has had a twinge of guilt ???

  14. #64

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Wash DC Blue View Post
    Spot on.
    Same as the booze tax fiasco.
    Its not even a tax! Just more profit for the likes of Tesco, Asda.etc

    If the "tax" went towards programmes and support for addiction then fair enough but the extra money just stays with the seller!?!?!

  15. #65

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    just heard on the TV that Wales are lifting the restrictions in 2 weeks, I can only guess thats in time for the 6 nations ? ? ? ?

    or maybe Drakeford has had a twinge of guilt ???

  16. #66

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Absolutely staggering view.

    And bollocks.
    I think it's a fair view to hold.

    It's only a few in the Drakeford circle that will know how true it really it but arguments could be made from both sides.

  17. #67

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    He's damned if he does damned if he doesn't with some of you. Cases have halved in the last week (2300-1200 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-politics-59984873) and if he didn't lift restrictions it'd be all "DRIPFORD THE DICTATOR DRUNK ON POWER, THOSE POOR PUBS "

    Being that he's saying a significant drop in cases means a drop in restrictions, which has literally been the policy for almost two years, it's 'OH YEAH, HE'S DROPPING RESTRICTIONS JUST FOR THE RUGBY WHAT A SURPRISE" even though that means that the hospitality sector you pretend to care so much about won't miss out on millions of pounds

    The man's not perfect but it's ridiculous

  18. #68

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    How many people polled? And where? Is it a large sample size across the whole country? North and South?
    I don't know to be honest. I also don't think that if there were a vote on independence any time soon that the Yes vote would get anywhere near it, but to say that he's set the movement back a decade is just plain wrong

  19. #69

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Crawl back under your rock you pillbug.

    If it was left to the likes of you we would all be locked down and all out of a job.

  20. #70

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Possibly, but there still hasn't been any vote in Welsh history I'm aware of that has shown a majority in favour of independence (or where Plaid have got the most votes). Given what was being said in the year prior to the vote, Plaid Cymru's performance in the election last May has to be viewed as disappointing.

    For myself, I've never been closer to backing an independent Wales in my life, but still have this feeling that a vote for Plaid is a wasted one and a possible way of letting the Tories take control of the Senedd - maybe there are thousands in Wales who feel like this?
    Indeed. Most of Wales is still more interested in keeping the Tories out.

    In the first few months of 2020, opinion polls suggested things were close between Labour and the Tories. One poll had the Conservatives ahead early on in the first lockdown. Then support for them plummetted.

  21. #71

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
    I think it's a fair view to hold.

    It's only a few in the Drakeford circle that will know how true it really it but arguments could be made from both sides.
    I disagreed with banning large crowds from sporting events. I'm generally happy with people trying to get on with their lives as long as people take enough care to avoid potentially spreading Covid as possible, particularly when rates are high.

    If rates are high enough to be causing staff shortages for our essential services and there is too much strain on those, particularly the NHS, then actions have to be taken to avoid even more serious problems. Those actions should always be governed by scientific expertise.

    What I don't agree with is letting the virus run rife around the population because it's just a "cold". It isn't.

  22. #72

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    It's weird. If history tells us anything, the political landscape can change dramatically from the perceived status quo. I remember when the SNP were portrayed as right nationalist nutjobs and that Labour would never lose in Scotland. If Plaid Cymru can get their sh*t together and front the party with the right leader that'll appeal to predominantly English-speaking Welsh people, then they could trounce Labour in a heartbeat.

  23. #73

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Possibly, but there still hasn't been any vote in Welsh history I'm aware of that has shown a majority in favour of independence (or where Plaid have got the most votes). Given what was being said in the year prior to the vote, Plaid Cymru's performance in the election last May has to be viewed as disappointing.

    For myself, I've never been closer to backing an independent Wales in my life, but still have this feeling that a vote for Plaid is a wasted one and a possible way of letting the Tories take control of the Senedd - maybe there are thousands in Wales who feel like this?
    Supporting more devolution/independence doesn't necessarily mean you support Plaid though

    I don't buy that 33% of Wales want independence but delmbox is right, Drakeford hasn't set them back a decade. On devolution, years of polling show solid support for more powers and it's backed by most Labour voters too

    The way the Senedd is set up makes it very unlikely the Tories will be in power in Wales anytime soom

  24. #74

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    I’d be more than happy to consider independence, particularly as my boy is a Welsh speaker and I’m learning, However, nobody has ever given me a compelling argument from a fiscal perspective. ( yes I know we have loads of water )

    Can anybody give a balanced view?


  25. #75

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    The man is a spineless prick. I fully stand behind the hatred being thrown at him for the recent disproportionate crowd ban at sports games.

    Spare a thought for the others being punished by this loon aswell. Another 4 week ban on my sister and residents of her care home being able to see their families. Lots of staff tested positive, but no patients did. So public health wales backed by drakeford and Co decided that must mean that the outbreak came from within the home (would love to see the reasoning). These vermin aren't following the sensible science, lockdown has now become their default. We needed lockdowns last year, this current set are just a comfort blanket for the braindead.

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