Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
I'd love to have written this brilliant post which appears on another City website (I hope and trust the writer has no problem with me putting what he said on here and allowing a wider audience to see it);-

"There are just so many things, we lose track.

I was watching the BBC News last night, and they mentioned the Owen Patterson scandal which, in all honesty, should be enough to bring down a few big hitters on their own. Forgot all about it.
Hancock got covid for the second time. Forgot all about him having to resign for breaking the rules.
Then I forgot all about the time JRM went to the Queen and lied to her face. I am no Royalist, but that really takes a lot of doing.
The result was they prorogued Parliament, something that had only happened in medieval times if ever. I had forgot all about that too.
Then there was the Dominic Cummings charade, around this time, where he had them over a barrel. You sack me, I will tell them all about YOUR parties. I'd forgotten all about that too.
Then there was the time when the Brexit Secretary, Raab, didn't realise how important the port to Calais was. I'm only just remembering that now.
Then we still have folks in houses with dangerous cladding, they probably haven't forgotten, but the media has.
Then we had the time Patel deported loads of people to Jamaica. Just after Windrush. And, how her shittery was a factor in the loss of life after a migrant boat collapsed.
Then the hatred in Hastings, caused by her rhetoric, where people tried to stop an RNLI boat going out to sea.
Then we have the NI rise, a tax on the lowest paid, something they promised they wouldn't do.
Then they got rid of the triple lock on pensioners, meaning that the current inflation rate of 6% and going up and pensioners getting just a 3% rise on their state pensions.
Then there was the Afghanistan cluster**** where people who risked their lives HELPING us were just abandoned, with all the relevant paperwork.
And, I forgot about the time that they kicked Churchill's nephew out of the party for voting against them, along with Ken Clarke.
Let's also not forget that there are murmerings of an undemocratic "deal" with Farage for him to stand down in the 2019 election to get Farage to stand down in seats the Tories knew they would win.
Also the illegal PPE contracts - that happened YESTERDAY - but didn't even make the news. I mean, there is just too much to report on.

Johnson thought he could get off the hook at one stage yesterday, when Starmer pointed out the public thought he was lying, all his sycophants cried foul. Johnson then mentioned that Starmer is responsible for his own conduct!

But, imagine how much worse things would be if Corbyn, or Miliband, or Starmer won/win.

The media really need to list all of these lies, deceits, cock-ups, and right-wing pandering bollocks on one web page.

I'm now with @Dr Lecter - I hope the bastard stays in until the next election. It may be painful, but they will be annihilated. Even if they get the 54 letters, there has to be a vote of confidence, and too many Tories have too much to hide, and will be wanting Johnson as a human shield. Seeing him every week ashen faced, looking awful, looking like he is actually experiencing some stress for the first time in his life is a small bit of repayment for the shit that they have piled on migrants, people on benefits, the sick, the old, the decent.

If Johnson is doing a great job, like that market trader thinks, then let him carry on for a few more years because, sooner or later, this ****wittery is going to hit him too. He may escape the NI rises, but his customers can't. He may be able to pay for the electricity and gas price rises by declaring less income to the tax man, but his customers can't."
Superb! Every word is true and shows we are now scraping the barrel.