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Thread: Jacob Rees Mogg

  1. #1

    Jacob Rees Mogg

    Was unable to name the leader of the tories in Wales yesterday.


  2. #2

    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Was unable to name the leader of the tories in Wales yesterday.

    He's the new SNP pin up boy. He's performed a big service to those hoping for a break up of the Union. Another using dulcet tones but having sawdust for brains.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    I think old Moggy and others secretly loved to dump the Scots and Welsh , more money to spread around sounds like good business logic logical to me especially , as the Tories are so despised by Scots and Welsh its a no no brainer ,before patriotic Sir Kier Labour under the Corbyn axis were the same anti UK as it appealed to their core supporters .

    Union Jacks everywhere now , when you see our Kier .

    If Corbyn got in 'Barry The Gardener' his loyal lieutenant wanted to fly the red flag of China and issue all of us with little red books, got bunged 600k as well god that sounds like Marxist Wales ??

  4. #4

    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I think old Moggy and others secretly loved to dump the Scots and Welsh , more money to spread around sounds like good business logic logical to me especially , as the Tories are so despised by Scots and Welsh its a no no brainer ,before patriotic Sir Kier Labour under the Corbyn axis were the same anti UK as it appealed to their core supporters .

    Union Jacks everywhere now , when you see our Kier .

    If Corbyn got in 'Barry The Gardener' his loyal lieutenant wanted to fly the red flag of China and issue all of us with little red books, got bunged 600k as well god that sounds like Marxist Wales ??
    but what about corbyn!

  5. #5

    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    but what about corbyn!
    Good ole LOM and his whataboutery always brightens things up.

  6. #6

    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Good ole LOM and his whataboutery always brightens things up.
    Can't a man just bring a bit of balance to the debate?

    I'm quite sure he'd criticise the Tories in a negative Labour thread. I'm absolutely sure he would...

  7. #7

    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Can't a man just bring a bit of balance to the debate?

    I'm quite sure he'd criticise the Tories in a negative Labour thread. I'm absolutely sure he would...
    Of course he would, both he and his mate Jimmy Wales. I think LOM must have had a very wicked socialist stepmother to suffer so much hate.

  8. #8
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I think old Moggy and others secretly loved to dump the Scots and Welsh , more money to spread around sounds like good business logic logical to me especially , as the Tories are so despised by Scots and Welsh its a no no brainer ,before patriotic Sir Kier Labour under the Corbyn axis were the same anti UK as it appealed to their core supporters .

    Union Jacks everywhere now , when you see our Kier .

    If Corbyn got in 'Barry The Gardener' his loyal lieutenant wanted to fly the red flag of China and issue all of us with little red books, got bunged 600k as well god that sounds like Marxist Wales ??

    I struggled with most of this to be honest.... but Google Translate is our friend!

    As Novak Djokovic might have said:

    Мислим да су стари Моги и други потајно волели да оставе Шкоте и Велшане, више новца за ширење мени звучи као добра пословна логика посебно, пошто су Торијевци толико презрени од стране Шкота и Велшана, то није ништа друго него патриотски Сир Киер Лабуристи под Корбиновом

    Унион Јацкс свуда сада, када видите нашег Киера.

    Ако је Корбин ушао у 'Барри Тхе Гарденер', његов лојални поручник је желео да вијори црвену заставу Кине и да нам свима издају мале црвене књижице, добио је 600.000 као и боже што звучи као марксистички Велс??

  9. #9

    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    I struggled with most of this to be honest.... but Google Translate is our friend!

    As Novak Djokovic might have said:

    Мислим да су стари Моги и други потајно волели да оставе Шкоте и Велшане, више новца за ширење мени звучи као добра пословна логика посебно, пошто су Торијевци толико презрени од стране Шкота и Велшана, то није ништа друго него патриотски Сир Киер Лабуристи под Корбиновом

    Унион Јацкс свуда сада, када видите нашег Киера.

    Ако је Корбин ушао у 'Барри Тхе Гарденер', његов лојални поручник је желео да вијори црвену заставу Кине и да нам свима издају мале црвене књижице, добио је 600.000 као и боже што звучи као марксистички Велс??

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    but what about corbyn!
    In the 3rd para you must remember him delivering 80 seat Tory victory against all the odds.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Of course he would, both he and his mate Jimmy Wales. I think LOM must have had a very wicked socialist stepmother to suffer so much hate.
    My lost stepmother did suffer , not I'm the way you personalised it , so think on before throwing out those pathetic I'll judged personsl jibes , guess its a welcome to the new carring socialist I guess .

  12. #12

    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    My lost stepmother did suffer , not I'm the way you personalised it , so think on before throwing out those pathetic I'll judged personsl jibes , guess its a welcome to the new carring socialist I guess .
    Carring? Us socialists take public transport.

  13. #13

    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Thanks Jon,

    That makes a lot more sense now 👍

  14. #14

    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    My lost stepmother did suffer , not I'm the way you personalised it , so think on before throwing out those pathetic I'll judged personsl jibes , guess its a welcome to the new carring socialist I guess .
    Sorry LOM only having fun but why the pent up hatred?

    You really are more interesting telling us about your time with Soft Machine.

  15. #15

    Re: Jacob Rees Mogg

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    My lost stepmother did suffer , not I'm the way you personalised it , so think on before throwing out those pathetic I'll judged personsl jibes , guess its a welcome to the new carring socialist I guess .
    Sympathies for the pain of the loss of your stepmother.

    Perhaps though that trauma could have triggered a greater degree of empathy for the plight of others than you have shown on this board over the years.

    Whether it was the forced sterilisation of the Uighurs (About time this breeding stopped , a great environmental move)

    The massacre in a jewish synagogue in the US (been going on since Billy the Kid)

    The shooting down of a Ukranian Plane over Iran (Plane, Missile....ooooooh) or the trafficking of a teenager for Prince Andrew's benefit (girls of that age have a choice and know what they are getting into, where are the parents) you have shown a tin ear to their suffering.

    Food for thought eh!

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