Been several times as I have family out there.
It’s a vibrant and youthful place but expensive. The misleading attack warnings are a bit disconcerting at first but there is little real apparent threat in my utterly random and non expert opinion.
Security on departure from the UK and on arrival can be heavy handed and those who do it are not employed for their charm or eagerness to please.
However, despite all this it is worth a visit both for its social scene and for an overall experience that differs from most places.
Obviously some will have issues with the state of Israel and tbh if you fall into that category there is nothing there that will change your mind as the local Jewish population are quite defensive, so political arguments are best avoided.
With regard to the passport issue I used to ask them not to stamp my passport and they used to hand me a stamped headed notepaper that was stapled into my passport which I removed once back home.
It has been a few years since I have visited so you may wish to google the current position with that as I may be woefully out of date with that information.