Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
The good news keeps coming!


The headline polling figures are bad enough for Boris Johnson. Labour has a 10-point lead and the prime minister’s popularity is now at the same point as Theresa May’s at her lowest.

But digging beneath the surface, the latest Opinium poll for the Observer reveals a deeper and more serious problem: Johnson’s coalition of traditional Tories and pro-Brexit working-class voters is fracturing.

The poll shows that 46% of Leave voters who voted Conservative in 2019 believe Johnson should resign, compared with 39% who want him to stay. These people are the core of the prime minister’s base and if they desert him, he is sunk.
labour aren't picking up the deserting Tory voters though, they are going from Tory to "don't know", which suggests that many of them will return once Boris has been removed