Completely agree with the OP's sentiment on migrants. The media has dehumanised migrants to an extraordinary level. The media also ensures that the conversation never reaches the logical point of discussing the causes of migration and how Britain and the 'West' is almost entirely responsible for people fleeing the Middle-East and North Africa into Europe.

The BBC is a joke of an organisation in terms of its news bias. John Pilger is bang on the money when he says that it is an incredibly refined state propaganda service. The most extreme examples being the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn. Regardless of your political opinions, you have to admit that portraying him against a communist Russian-style background, superimposing a 'Make Britain Great Again' hat onto his head, and ending a Newsnight programme with a clip portraying him as Voldermort in a Harry Potter film is an absolute scandal. And those examples are just the tip of the iceberg.

I'd recommend Media Lens as a great resource for highlighting press bias. The fact that they highlight the bias in publications and sources that are generally regarded as unbiased like the BBC, and more supposedly centre/left publications like the Guardian, was quite educational for me in terms of learning how to spot bias in writing and how genuinely unbiased journalists write fact-based articles.

Personally I use Reuters as a good source of factual reporting without bias in the way the articles are written. I keep an eye on Simple Politics as a good way of impartially simplifying politics news and providing both sides of an argument. Declassified UK is a great resource for exposing issues on foreign policy, written by genuine investigative journalists. Ironically, they've just broken a story on a CIA-linked organisation that has been funding UK media groups to the tune of £2.6m!

Other individual journalists that I think are worth following are Jonathan Cook, Peter Oborne and Craig Murray. Reporters Without Borders is worth a look if you want to learn more about issues relating to press freedom and it's worth noting that the UK ranks well behind many other European countries in the press freedom index.