Quote Originally Posted by BLUEAWAY View Post
Bacuna joins Sean Morrison, Joe Ralls, Aden Flint, Will Vaulks, Marlon Pack, Ciaron Brown, Josh Murphy, Isaac Vassell and Alex Smithies as players who have only five months left to run on their deals.

For me it would be in the order below but tbh assuming we don’t lose other players, the bottom five could all go and the top 3 would be the ones I would most like to stay.
1. smithies
2. ralls
3. flint
4. Morrison
5. Vaulks
6. Pack
7. Murphy
8. Brown
9. Bacuna
10. Vassal
Ralls is ok at this level. I'd give Morrison a 1 year deal because of his loyalty. I think Vaulks has a place as well, even if his passing is woeful.