Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
Why? What are their reasons?
I can only put it down to fear. I have one friend who has quite a severe type of asthma and he's reluctant to go out when rates are high.

As for the schoolfriend mentioned, we've always had a post Christmas meet up in Cardiff with his brother, who spends Christmas with them. For the last two years his brother hasn't even stayed with him for Christmas. They've agreed not to.

It might seem extreme to some. It does to me. However, I totally respect anyone who wants to play things safe. I also sympathise with those who want to get on with things. I've not had Covid, that I'm aware of in any case. I'm quite blase about it; if I get it, it'll probably be a bad cold. I'm in a situation where if I don't work, I don't earn. There are some who are much more fearful and that's fine.

I have one lady in a choir who has virtually no immune system and a list of serious conditions as long as your arm. She has been advised not to leave the house unless it is essential. She has her shopping delivered. She comes to choir every week as she says that is essential to her wellbeing. We have some sort of duty of care to minimise any risk to her and everyone else. It could be a cold. It could be the thing that kills off one member and everyone then is saddened and asks if we could have done more to prevent it. This scenario is really holding back lots of local amateur organisations.