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Thread: IF Drakeford says...

  1. #176

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Thanks, although I was already fully aware of how polls work.

    1,000 people (from who knows where) were apparently polled. That led Walesonline to produce a headline which read: "Almost Two Thirds Of People In Wales Say They Prefer Mark Drakeford's Approach to Covid to England's."

    Which is, of course, utter horse shit.
    I don't know anyone that prefers Drakeford's approach

  2. #177

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    What’s horse shit - views that don’t accord with you or a rigged poll?
    What's horse shit? A claim that almost two thirds of people in Wales say they prefer Mark Drakeford's approach to Covid to England's is horse shit.

    Nobody knows what percentage of the population holds that view because the population hasn't been asked.

  3. #178

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    According to those people, Brexit would never happen and Trump would never get elected.

    But they know best, I guess.
    Nah not really, a few polls said those things would happen

    Yeah they probably do know more about this than you, glad you agree

  4. #179

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by stan butler View Post
    I don't know anyone that prefers Drakeford's approach
    I know plenty of people who prefer Drakeford to Johnson, but most people I've spoken to (including most of those who prefer Drakeford) think they're both tossers.

  5. #180

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    Nah not really, a few polls said those things would happen
    But did most of the polls say those things would happen? Nah, not really....

  6. #181

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    But did most of the polls say those things would happen? Nah, not really....
    Polls aren't meant to be predictions though. Projections perhaps or just snap shots to be taken for what they are but they don't claim to predict outcomes.

  7. #182

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    What’s horse shit - views that don’t accord with you or a rigged poll?
    1,000 people out of a population of 3.138m is an extremely small sample , and everyone I know think Drakeford is out of control. The older generation perhaps have different views

  8. #183

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Father Dougal View Post
    Polls aren't meant to be predictions though. Projections perhaps or just snap shots to be taken for what they are but they don't claim to predict outcomes.
    Indeed. So not really reliable at all, then.

    Apparently, according to the latest polls, the Labour Party have a resounding 11-point lead over the Tories. If there was a general election next week, do you reckon Labour would win?

  9. #184
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by stan butler View Post
    I don't know anyone that prefers Drakeford's approach
    Majority of folk I know disagree with Drakeford and that's been enforced since the Omicron , political point scoring at its worst.

  10. #185

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Majority of folk I know disagree with Drakeford and that's been enforced since the Omicron , political point scoring at its worst.
    Stan and LOM mates in 'Disagree with Drakeford' Shocker

  11. #186

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Stan and LOM mates in 'Disagree with Drakeford' Shocker
    Incredible isn’t it, I post a survey of a thousand people that shows sixty per cent to seventeen per cent (a huge margin) in favour of something and those on here who fall into the minority on here refuse to believe it reflects public thinking - out of the thousand, six hundred feel one way and one hundred and seventy another, I think that’s probably outside the margin of error for the poll, but it can’t be right because their mates are agree with them.

  12. #187

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Meanwhile, I don't know a single person who hasn't socialised at all since the first lockdown. Even my parents have been out with friends a few times, and they're in their mid-eighties and were in the 'shielding' category when that was a thing.
    True, even my mother has been out with her mates, all about 88/89, more of the opinion they know they haven’t got long left anyway so the last thing they want to do is stay at home all the friggin time….sleep when you die

  13. #188

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    ......it can’t be right because their mates are agree with them.
    Tuerto's my mate. He doesn't agree with me.

    I'd be genuinely staggered if the results of that poll were an accurate reflection of the way the wider Welsh public is thinking, but these are very strange times. And the timing of the poll (assuming it was carried out very recently) is also telling.

  14. #189

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Incredible isn’t it, I post a survey of a thousand people that shows sixty per cent to seventeen per cent (a huge margin) in favour of something and those on here who fall into the minority on here refuse to believe it reflects public thinking - out of the thousand, six hundred feel one way and one hundred and seventy another, I think that’s probably outside the margin of error for the poll, but it can’t be right because their mates are agree with them.
    I think people may have a different view of him if he was more transparent with the data he releases ,that said he’s not the only one to mislead the public.

  15. #190

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Tuerto's my mate. He doesn't agree with me.

    I'd be genuinely staggered if the results of that poll were an accurate reflection of the way the wider Welsh public is thinking, but these are very strange times. And the timing of the poll (assuming it was carried out very recently) is also telling.
    If it was a Brexit like 52/48, I’d agree, but even 60/40 is pretty conclusive and well beyond the margin of error in such polls. As I said when I posted the link, I’m surprised by the result, but I really can’t see how it can be wrong when the figures are so much in favour of the Welsh Government’s approach.

  16. #191

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Shame we can't stick a poll in this thread, that would tell us the answer conclusively

  17. #192

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Tuerto's my mate. He doesn't agree with me.

    I'd be genuinely staggered if the results of that poll were an accurate reflection of the way the wider Welsh public is thinking, but these are very strange times. And the timing of the poll (assuming it was carried out very recently) is also telling.
    oddly enough, i would say that the figures are probably quite accurate I think that if another poll was carried out asking a thousand people if They like Mark Drakeford, the 60% would be reversed.

  18. #193

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    If it was a Brexit like 52/48, I’d agree, but even 60/40 is pretty conclusive and well beyond the margin of error in such polls. As I said when I posted the link, I’m surprised by the result, but I really can’t see how it can be wrong when the figures are so much in favour of the Welsh Government’s approach.
    I'm not surprised. What i hear is people saying that they just don't like Mark Drakeford, his demeanour, personality etc. I have to be straight with you though. Most of the people who i encounter on a daily basis are as thick as shit, i mean really stupid.

  19. #194

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    As I said when I posted the link, I’m surprised by the result, but I really can’t see how it can be wrong when the figures are so much in favour of the Welsh Government’s approach.
    Presumably, it isn't wrong. That was how things worked out when those 1,006 people were polled. But does that mean the wider Welsh public is thinking along similar lines? Who knows? So much would depend on who was polled, when they were polled, what was in the news at that precise point in time, what the personal circumstances of those polled were, etc etc.

    In my experience, the 'neither' option would win such a poll by a landslide, and that's by no means restricted to the views of my friends either.

  20. #195

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    oddly enough, i would say that the figures are probably quite accurate.
    Of course, we have to make some allowances for those among us who want Wales to beat England at everything "even if it's tiddlywinks....."

  21. #196

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Of course, we have to make some allowances for those among us who want Wales to beat England at everything "even if it's tiddlywinks....."

    I hope that you're not referring to me Not a Nationalist bone in my body, and i hate Tiddlywinks

  22. #197

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I really can’t see how it can be wrong when the figures are so much in favour of the Welsh Government’s approach.
    Sorry for replying to the same quote twice, but I've just read the whole article and I'd like you to work this one out if you can, because I most definitely can't:

    Apparently, 60% of the 1,006 people polled believe the Welsh approach has been favourable to the English approach, but only 47% of the same people think the Welsh Government should decide which Covid-19 measures are introduced! Just 17% allegedly said they prefer the English approach, and yet 40% would prefer Westminster to make the decisions!

  23. #198

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    I hope that you're not referring to me
    No, but you can imagine the response from some.....

    "Wales see butt, innit? Anyone but the English."

  24. #199

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    How old are you Eric? 70’s?

  25. #200

    Re: IF Drakeford says...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Why? What are their reasons?
    I can only put it down to fear. I have one friend who has quite a severe type of asthma and he's reluctant to go out when rates are high.

    As for the schoolfriend mentioned, we've always had a post Christmas meet up in Cardiff with his brother, who spends Christmas with them. For the last two years his brother hasn't even stayed with him for Christmas. They've agreed not to.

    It might seem extreme to some. It does to me. However, I totally respect anyone who wants to play things safe. I also sympathise with those who want to get on with things. I've not had Covid, that I'm aware of in any case. I'm quite blase about it; if I get it, it'll probably be a bad cold. I'm in a situation where if I don't work, I don't earn. There are some who are much more fearful and that's fine.

    I have one lady in a choir who has virtually no immune system and a list of serious conditions as long as your arm. She has been advised not to leave the house unless it is essential. She has her shopping delivered. She comes to choir every week as she says that is essential to her wellbeing. We have some sort of duty of care to minimise any risk to her and everyone else. It could be a cold. It could be the thing that kills off one member and everyone then is saddened and asks if we could have done more to prevent it. This scenario is really holding back lots of local amateur organisations.

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