Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
Exactly, right from the start, there were a rump of people who refused to believe that Covid was the killer it has turned out to be (reading the early pages of the main Covid thread on here is very revealing in the cases of some contributors). In the last week, the UK has seen the highest number of Covid deaths in almost a year and still we get this pointless “with” or “from” Covid stuff - what does it matter? Over 150,000 people in this country have died in less than two years after catching Covid and, in every case, the virus was deemed to have played a part in the death - the UK’s figures are among the worst in Europe, I dread to think what they would have been like if we’d treated Covid as lightly as some on here said we should.
I agree with what you say except the part i highlighted.
covid is mentioned on the death certificate if it is present because it is a reportable disease/condition and the doctor is obliged to record it. I think the point people are trying to make is that some of these people would have died anyway.
Agreed some would have died later but their underlying conditions would have got them in the end. The only way we will know this is if the figures begin to show less deaths than historically in the next year or so. we cannot tell that now.
The other point is the number of people taking into hospital to be treated for covid and those that are/were admitted for some other cause and were then 'incidentally' found to give a positive test result for covid. If they die it is still recorded as a covid death, which would seem unreasonable. The number of 'incidental' covid sufferers in hospitals at the moment is very relevant when looking at the threat from the new virus. most of those people didn't even know they had it and showed no symptoms.
It leads some people to think that the NHS or whoever is collating this information is deliberately attempting to make it as scary as possible to inflate the need for restrictions. (Oh sorry Mr Drakeford.... protections)