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Thread: Some brutal comments...

  1. #1

    Some brutal comments...

    from Steve Morison.

    "People will always look at team selection or tactics, the reality is if you don't do the job you're asked to do or employed to do by the football club then you're going to get beat." (sic - beaten...)

    "I have to tell them to go and get the ball, they are just standing there like, 'Oh we've lost again.' Come on. Go and leave a bit on someone. Go and drag the ball off someone, make the goalie hurry up. They are just booting balls into the stand thinking, 'That's alright, we've got another game next week'."

    Quite right......but Steve..LISTEN to comments and STOP playing Flint/Pack/Nelson/Bacuna/Vaulks.....TRUST the youngsters you had in the u23's - surely they cannot do worse. Play with Ralls, Wintle, Doyle....do not take them off after 70 minutes...they are old enough to last a whole game. Players of 19/20/21 age should be able to do a job....if not buy that age then they need to move o

    STOP this obsessive formula at the back....I DO sympathise...but stop this 'old guard' attitude.

    Due to internet problems I could not view today's game.....but we should have got something out of it from the text comments...apart from the dire 'defending'.

  2. #2

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    I just think he needs to be relieved of duties.

  3. #3

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    I just think he needs to be relieved of duties.
    He's talking way too much....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    I thought at times our approach play and movement up front was very good , the two new lads were excellent, Collins looks okay as does Harris , our inability to defend a lead and concentrate in key moments Is a worry, we needs defenders with intelligence and pace to recover when turned .

  5. #5

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    He's talking way too much....
    When I think it was Hartley put out the Morison out thread I thought well OTT. But he was right. Morison has to go. Bonkers selection and comments about the team. No idea on team selection tactics and blaming individuals and not himself.

    Morison Out.

  6. #6

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I thought at times our approach play and movement up front was very good , the two new lads were excellent, Collins looks okay as does Harris , our inability to defend a lead and concentrate in key moments Is a worry, we needs defenders with intelligence and pace to recover when turned .
    First rule, don't get 'Turned'

  7. #7

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    He's an under 23s manager that has been given the opportunity to manage at Championship level.
    Unfortunately it looks like he isn't ready to take the next step up.
    Some of his comments have been bizarre and maybe the pressure is getting to him?
    One thing for certain he hasn't stepped up to the plate and delivered.

    5 at the back and keep playing shit players, Pack, Nelson etc, what did he expect

    God we've got some bloody awful footballers at our club
    We now need a manager that can keep the likes of Pack, Nelson, Bacuna Vaulks well away from the squad

  8. #8

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Cheap words. If only Morison had some way or power of putting this right by not selecting the same failures every week. Oh wait.....

    And for all his words he's also gutless as the only players he has publicly slagged off have been the youngsters.

    If he ever had it he has well and truly lost it. He would never ever have been appointed had kieffer not scored a last minute winner v Huddersfield. We now have someone in charge the club don't trust, didn't want and probably won't even last the season out (I'd say 2 or 3 games at this rate before Hudson takes over). It's no way to run a club. Spectularly it's also destabilised the under 23s where he was actually doing OK. What a mess.

  9. #9

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    When I think it was Hartley put out the Morison out thread I thought well OTT. But he was right. Morison has to go. Bonkers selection and comments about the team. No idea on team selection tactics and blaming individuals and not himself.

    Morison Out.
    A manager who who makes noise like he does wont last.

  10. #10

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Quote Originally Posted by Father Dougal View Post
    Cheap words. If only Morison had some way or power of putting this right by not selecting the same failures every week. Oh wait.....

    And for all his words he's also gutless as the only players he has publicly slagged off have been the youngsters.

    If he ever had it he has well and truly lost it. He would never ever have been appointed had kieffer not scored a last minute winner v Huddersfield. We now have someone in charge the club don't trust, didn't want and probably won't even last the season out (I'd say 2 or 3 games at this rate before Hudson takes over). It's no way to run a club. Spectularly it's also destabilised the under 23s where he was actually doing OK. What a mess.
    What's he going to say if we lose against Forest and perform poorly? He needs to be quiet, that's his team he's putting out there.

  11. #11

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Are we still paying Neil Harris to sit at home on his sofa? He could hardly do worse than Morison.

  12. #12

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    What's he going to say if we lose against Forest and perform poorly? He needs to be quiet, that's his team he's putting out there.
    Yep. And what team can he now select? Surely 11 changes really after those comments. But what if we lose next week? Bring todays 11 back in? Or just bomb a handful of them today thereby publicly pointing the finger at them for not trying or caring.

  13. #13

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    I honestly think he now has too many players! He struggled to find a settled team before the likes of Drameh and Doyle arrived. He now also has Wintle and Watters to think about. Four new players to fit into his system.

  14. #14

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    I personally find SM to be very refreshing. Lets be honest, most of the squad aren't good enough and sometimes need a kick up the backside. Players get too much of an easy ride when things aren't going right in my opinion. Yes he has certainly crossed the line on occasion (see Isaak Davies), and I feel that he has stuck with the 5 at the back for too long. But as people know he's inexperienced and hopefully he will learn over time.

    He has been left with a squad bereft of any quality and the job at hand is monumental. I for one am still behind Morison, but do think he needs to look at himself with tactics/selection a little more than he's doing.

  15. #15

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bothroyd's Diving Coach View Post
    I personally find SM to be very refreshing. Lets be honest, most of the squad aren't good enough and sometimes need a kick up the backside. Players get too much of an easy ride when things aren't going right in my opinion. Yes he has certainly crossed the line on occasion (see Isaak Davies), and I feel that he has stuck with the 5 at the back for too long. But as people know he's inexperienced and hopefully he will learn over time.

    He has been left with a squad bereft of any quality and the job at hand is monumental. I for one am still behind Morison, but do think he needs to look at himself with tactics/selection a little more than he's doing.
    I think the fear is there is a reason why managers very rarely come out and say their team don't care or aren't trying. The reason is players will not take kindly to being spoken about so publicly in that way.

    OK we can debate on a message board that it will give them a kick up the backside and their response will be "maybe he is right I must play better" the more likely response will be "what a kn0b, let's get him sacked". We see it time and time again don't we.

    As the difficulty now is if the same players come out and "prove him wrong" then what they are actually doing is proving him right that they weren't trying in the first place-but now they are. So it's difficult to see a way forward with it.

    Maybe Morison is right and every other successful manager is wrong of course when it comes to dealing with the media and keeping things in the dressing room but time will tell I guess?

  16. #16

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    What's he going to say if we lose against Forest and perform poorly? He needs to be quiet, that's his team he's putting out there.
    Nothing to do with him of course, all on the players

    Hopefully Forest have sold Brennan Johnson before we play them

  17. #17

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bothroyd's Diving Coach View Post
    I personally find SM to be very refreshing. Lets be honest, most of the squad aren't good enough and sometimes need a kick up the backside. Players get too much of an easy ride when things aren't going right in my opinion. Yes he has certainly crossed the line on occasion (see Isaak Davies), and I feel that he has stuck with the 5 at the back for too long. But as people know he's inexperienced and hopefully he will learn over time.

    He has been left with a squad bereft of any quality and the job at hand is monumental. I for one am still behind Morison, but do think he needs to look at himself with tactics/selection a little more than he's doing.
    That's the issue for me though. His comments today absolved himself of any responsibility for the poor performance, but he's the one picking the same failing system, the same players and then digging them out. He seems incredibly thin skinned and a bit of self-reflection wouldn't go amiss

  18. #18

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    This group of players has already quit on two managers in little over a year. Does Morison think that they won't do the same to him?

  19. #19

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    His comments sound like the type of things you might say about U23 players internally. It's as though he's made no adjustment whatsoever to the fact he's talking about senior players under a huge media spotlight.

    I disagree with Bothroyd's Diving Coach in terms of this squad not being good enough, it should be more than good enough to stay in this league. It seems as though senior players and the coaching and management team as a whole are not stepping up to lead us away from trouble.

    I thought we looked good at times today with the ball, dominating territory and creating some half-decent chances. Doyle is clearly going to be a Premier League player very soon, he looked very comfortable given it was his first game in the Championship. I also thought Collins offered a bit more today, linking better with others and not as anonymous as in previous games I've seen. Without the ball sadly, we are comical and utterly clueless.

    The system doesn't work, the selections and subs are weird. I'm not a fan of binning managers but I think in this case a change would improve our chances of staying up, provided it was the right person.

  20. #20

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bothroyd's Diving Coach View Post
    I personally find SM to be very refreshing. Lets be honest, most of the squad aren't good enough and sometimes need a kick up the backside. Players get too much of an easy ride when things aren't going right in my opinion. Yes he has certainly crossed the line on occasion (see Isaak Davies), and I feel that he has stuck with the 5 at the back for too long. But as people know he's inexperienced and hopefully he will learn over time.

    He has been left with a squad bereft of any quality and the job at hand is monumental. I for one am still behind Morison, but do think he needs to look at himself with tactics/selection a little more than he's doing.
    Agree - fully behind him - don't agree with every selection or everything he says in public but can't argue with his comments today - he was spot on about the 2nd half performance

    Hope the home fans get behind him and the team next Sunday - the last things we need are the fans getting their tampons in a twist - need them more than ever

  21. #21

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Let's face it, its not like Championship teams we're beating on the City's door for him. Morrison was brought in purely as the cheapest option, but he accepted the job knowing what he had at his disposal so I have no sympathy for him. The buck stops with the manager. His selection, his tactics, it's about time he started looking at himself before he unloads on the players

  22. #22

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Holt View Post
    His comments sound like the type of things you might say about U23 players internally. It's as though he's made no adjustment whatsoever to the fact he's talking about senior players under a huge media spotlight.

    I disagree with Bothroyd's Diving Coach in terms of this squad not being good enough, it should be more than good enough to stay in this league. It seems as though senior players and the coaching and management team as a whole are not stepping up to lead us away from trouble.

    I thought we looked good at times today with the ball, dominating territory and creating some half-decent chances. Doyle is clearly going to be a Premier League player very soon, he looked very comfortable given it was his first game in the Championship. I also thought Collins offered a bit more today, linking better with others and not as anonymous as in previous games I've seen. Without the ball sadly, we are comical and utterly clueless.

    The system doesn't work, the selections and subs are weird. I'm not a fan of binning managers but I think in this case a change would improve our chances of staying up, provided it was the right person.
    You are of course entitled to your opinion but I think it's lunacy to suggest the squad is good enough, 23 points from 26 games (good for relegation zone without the points deductions). There are certainly some senior individuals who ARE good enough for this division; Smithies, Ralls, Wintle, Moore, Collins, the loanees with also promising youngsters coming through. However, the youngsters are clearly too inconsistent at this point in their careers to be relied upon and the rest of the squad, particularly at the back, are either too old, or just generally not good enough.

  23. #23

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Gillis View Post
    Let's face it, its not like Championship teams we're beating on the City's door for him. Morrison was brought in purely as the cheapest option, but he accepted the job knowing what he had at his disposal so I have no sympathy for him. The buck stops with the manager. His selection, his tactics, it's about time he started looking at himself before he unloads on the players
    100% correct. The failure today was down to his initial team selection, his tactics, and his poor substitutions. It's a pity he can't see that.

    Ok I feel for him, we may well be a League 1 quality side in the Championship but if he sorted the team out properly from the start we may be able to save ourselves. We could just about survive if he sorted out his ego.

  24. #24

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    I wonder how people would react if a player came out in an interview and said

    “the gaffer’s tactics and game management was substandard.”

  25. #25

    Re: Some brutal comments...

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    100% correct. The failure today was down to his initial team selection, his tactics, and his poor substitutions. It's a pity he can't see that.

    Ok I feel for him, we may well be a League 1 quality side in the Championship but if he sorted the team out properly from the start we may be able to save ourselves. We could just about survive if he sorted out his ego.
    SM seems quite relaxed about having a go at his players which he has done publicly on more than one occasion and yet is not as forthcoming with apologies for his own failings when things go wrong. After all, doesn't the buck stop with him on the field?? The very least he could do would be to apologise to the fans for what could only be described as an abject performance against Bristol City. Or is this too much to ask, Steve?

    The defence was simply awful and is in desperate need of strategic focus, but maybe SM is truly out of his depth managing the first team? He needs to remember that every time he criticises the team and and names and shames individuals, the closer he gets to completely losing the dressing room - and that may not be too far away.

    For what it's worth, my advice would be to bring in another manager for the remainder of the season to try and salvage Championship status. A club is far more saleable in the Championship than one in the lower leagues. Take note Vincent!

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