Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
Just because hes new to the management game it doesn't excuse the arrogance and the prickly attitude. What sort of manager new into management tries to take on the media? or throws his own players under the bus so publicly?. You dont have to be an experienced manager to know that is idiotic. We are not talking about now hes under pressure hes done this from practically the first game!!!

I know for a fact he is not well liked in the club and thats before he got the first team gig where he has managed to lose the dressing room in what? 3 months? I know of things that have gone on on the training ground which im not going to put on here as im not going to throw someone under the bus but some of the things ive heard are crazy and sooner hes out of the club the better as far as I am concerned.

The fact he has "tried" to play a more modern game just doesnt cut it for me. Anyone could play a more modern way than Mick. Even Warnockball wasnt as bad as Mickball. Even with this modern approach some people are getting so excited about we are still not creating much, still relying on set pieces as our main threat, still picking the same old tired pro's who have let us down in the past. Its still shit, its just less hoofball shit.
has he lost the dressing room? that's the first I've heard of it if he has.
there isn't usually any way back from it of that's the case.