Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
After yesterday’s “ambushed with a cake” classic, we now have Tory MP Crispin Blunt giving us the benefit of his wisdom


Some MPs are embarrassing themselves now in their desperation to excuse Johnson.
I was watching Newsnight last night and that well known man of the people Jacob Rees-Mogg was taking part in an interview with Kirsty Wark. Referring to Connor Burns' awful attempt to trivialise Johnson's birthday party as "ambushed by cake" she asked Rees-Mogg if this was appropriate language.

In a brilliant attempt to garner public support for Johnson, Rees-Mogg smirked and replied "well what words would you have preferred? I would have used ambuscade myself"

I thought yes that will bring all those Tory dissenters in the Red Wall constituencies back on side.