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Thread: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

  1. #26

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,00 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I see Ant and Dec's Limitless Win is starting soon.

  2. #27

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I see Ant and Dec's Limitless Win is starting soon.
    is this the one where celebrities try and leave a branch of Santander without seeing an advert with Jessica Ennis on it?

  3. #28

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,00 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    You sure you're reading the runes correctly here?
    There had been posts elswhere about the 17,000 deaths (which had been rubbished) before he posted.
    Then why post it if you’d already seen it be rubbished?

  4. #29

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,00 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Canton Kev View Post
    Then why post it if you’d already seen it be rubbished?

  5. #30

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    is this the one where celebrities try and leave a branch of Santander without seeing an advert with Jessica Ennis on it?

  6. #31

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,00 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    And I'm the idiot!
    You are indeed, and you're an idiot who is now desperately backtracking.

    On 20/1/22, you boldly posted a thread entitled Deaths from Covid ALONE between Jan 1 2020 to 30/9/2021 only 17,371.

    After making a clown of yourself by inadvertently revealing that you post on this message board under multiple usernames, you said "Yeah" in response to a claim that these figures were "incredible."

    When I asked what was so incredible about these numbers as they didn't seem even remotely incredible to me, your response was: "Doesn't surprise me in the least that you don't 'get it'."

    You went on to suggest: "The main point is being missed here. There is a difference between deaths WITH Covid and deaths FROM Covid. That knowledge should have been factored into how the authorities dealt with the situation."

    When it was pointed out to you that practically everyone (including the authorities, obviously) who had been paying any attention to the situation already knew that there was a difference between deaths with Covid and deaths from Covid, but that the overall outcome was pretty much the same regardless, you said:

    "What is being exposed here are the scaremongering tactics of governments. Dr Campbell is demonstrating that there is a difference between dying FROM Covid than WITH Covid - in other words, deaths with "Covid" and deaths from "Covid" are completely different."

    You also claimed: "As a result of governments' propoganda (sic), the general public, whether healthy or unhealthy, has been duped into a state of fear and panic about the effects of the pandemic," and you then went on to suggest some sort of half-arsed conspiracy by suggesting: "Many who have been monitoring excess deaths have suspected a skewing of the data but didn't have the last piece of the puzzle, ie the low death rate from Covid alone."

    You've made a complete fool of yourself. Not only have you accidentally revealed that you post here under multiple usernames, but you've demonstrated that you had no understanding of what was some very basic data. And now you're digging a deeper hole for yourself by pretending you knew the realities of the situation all along and you've somehow been misunderstood.

    If I was you, I'd quit while I was well behind. But thankfully I'm not you.

  7. #32
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    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,00 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    The thing I find absolutely astounding about this thread is that this "retired nurse educator" has amassed 2M Youtube followers. What do these people think he understands? He's not an experienced pulmonologist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, virologist etc. He trained nurses before retiring. And noble as that is, it means he knows as much about Coivd-19 as Bill down the local boozer. Humans are doomed.

  8. #33

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    That I used to be a multi was common knowledge.
    Apologies for mis-spelling one word.
    As for the rest......
    Oh, and well done for researching the figures of deaths to find an average in earlier years. Dr Campbell did that days before.

  9. #34

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Why post this shit ??

    We know it's shit??

    By posting it you simply feed the frenzy??

  10. #35

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Lies, damned lies, statistics and right wing conspiracy theorists.

  11. #36

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Lies, damned lies, statistics and right wing conspiracy theorists.
    If you think it's purely right wing your very wrong , ask left-wing fire breathing Corbyn

  12. #37

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    If you think it's purely right wing your very wrong , ask left-wing fire breathing Corbyn
    Have you got his number?

  13. #38

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,00 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    The thing I find absolutely astounding about this thread is that this "retired nurse educator" has amassed 2M Youtube followers. What do these people think he understands? He's not an experienced pulmonologist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, virologist etc. He trained nurses before retiring. And noble as that is, it means he knows as much about Coivd-19 as Bill down the local boozer. Humans are doomed.
    Multiple members of Sage either don't or didn't have any of those qualifications, and yet they influence government policy. What's your point?

    Clearly he understands more than you as he scrutinises data without an agenda and doesn't seek to reinforce a narrative. The BBC have outrightly misrepresented him and defamed him by accusing him of diminishing the emotional impact of those who have died. He should sue their bloody bollocks off.

    But had you condescended to watch his rebuttal video where he explains his position in relation to the BBC tripe, then you yourself would be aware of this.

  14. #39

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Have you got his number?
    Corbyn was vociferously anti-COVID passport and anti-vax mandate including for NHS staff, and when asked if the took the vax refused to comment. Now that doesn't necessarily mean he's unvaxxed, but surely you can see how such a response (or lack thereof) fuels speculation. Perhaps he subsequently has, but not that I'm aware of.

    So yeah, clearly it's just the "right-wing" causing all of the "problems"....

  15. #40

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Canton Kev View Post
    Time to change accounts and come back fresh.

  16. #41

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,00 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokyo Blue View Post
    Clearly he understands more than you as he scrutinises data without an agenda and doesn't seek to reinforce a narrative. The BBC have outrightly misrepresented him and defamed him by accusing him of diminishing the emotional impact of those who have died. He should sue their bloody bollocks off.
    They did no such thing.

    The BBC said:

    "The misleading "17,000" figure was spread by influential accounts online. On 14 January, former Islamist turned counter-extremism activist Maajid Nawaz tweeted that the figures were evidence of "narrative collapse", implying the larger reported death figures were not genuine.

    "Then on 20 January, Dr John Campbell, a retired nurse educator who has amassed a huge following on YouTube, released a video describing the figures as a "huge story" and suggested Covid deaths were "much lower than mainstream media seems to have been intimating".

    "His video has been viewed more than 1.5 million times to date and was shared by Conservative MP David Davis."

    No mention of Campbell "diminishing the emotional impact of those who have died."

    I watched both his original clickbait video and his 'rebuttal' video.

    In the first video, the good doctor states within the first 20 seconds that a new freedom of information release "shows the number of deaths solely attributable to Covid may be way lower than anyone had thought." Of course, he puts special emphasis on the words way lower, because that's evidently what a significant proportion of those who watch his videos want to hear.

    Within the first two and a half minutes, Campbell describes the 'new' information as "really quite profound." A minute later, he's describing it as a "huge story" which hasn't been picked up by mainstream media. It's blatantly obvious which particular gallery he was playing to with such comments.

    Something struck me immediately when I watched the initial video - it was distinctly odd that an apparently legitimate health professional would be in any way surprised by these figures and would attempt to sensationalise them in the way that Campbell so clearly did. After all, any health professional worth his or her salt would know the effects of Covid-19 and would also know how death certificates are formulated, and would therefore know that the number of death certificates carrying Covid-19 alone as a cause of death would likely be relatively small.

    I knew that much from my work registering deaths at sea, and I'm not a doctor or a medical professional of any kind. I'm merely a low-grade civil servant. So why did Campbell act so surprised and describe the figures as "really quite profound" and a "huge story"?

    As for his 'rebuttal' video, I only watched a few minutes of that. It was toe-curling.

  17. #42

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,00 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    They did no such thing.

    The BBC said:

    "The misleading "17,000" figure was spread by influential accounts online. On 14 January, former Islamist turned counter-extremism activist Maajid Nawaz tweeted that the figures were evidence of "narrative collapse", implying the larger reported death figures were not genuine.

    "Then on 20 January, Dr John Campbell, a retired nurse educator who has amassed a huge following on YouTube, released a video describing the figures as a "huge story" and suggested Covid deaths were "much lower than mainstream media seems to have been intimating".

    "His video has been viewed more than 1.5 million times to date and was shared by Conservative MP David Davis."

    No mention of Campbell "diminishing the emotional impact of those who have died."

    I watched both his original clickbait video and his 'rebuttal' video.

    In the first video, the good doctor states within the first 20 seconds that a new freedom of information release "shows the number of deaths solely attributable to Covid may be way lower than anyone had thought." Of course, he puts special emphasis on the words way lower, because that's evidently what a significant proportion of those who watch his videos want to hear.

    Within the first two and a half minutes, Campbell describes the 'new' information as "really quite profound." A minute later, he's describing it as a "huge story" which hasn't been picked up by mainstream media. It's blatantly obvious which particular gallery he was playing to with such comments.

    Something struck me immediately when I watched the initial video - it was distinctly odd that an apparently legitimate health professional would be in any way surprised by these figures and would attempt to sensationalise them in the way that Campbell so clearly did. After all, any health professional worth his or her salt would know the effects of Covid-19 and would also know how death certificates are formulated, and would therefore know that the number of death certificates carrying Covid-19 alone as a cause of death would likely be relatively small.

    I knew that much from my work registering deaths at sea, and I'm not a doctor or a medical professional of any kind. I'm merely a low-grade civil servant. So why did Campbell act so surprised and describe the figures as "really quite profound" and a "huge story"?

    As for his 'rebuttal' video, I only watched a few minutes of that. It was toe-curling.
    Well said. I'm exhausted with this stuff. As I said in my post, he knew exactly what he was doing. I tried watching the rebuttal video too but lasted 5 minutes of the 20 required because his presentation style with the pen (underlining, circling, ticking) was like fingers down a blackboard to me. YouTuber fanbois are worse than the actual 'influencers' sometimes.

  18. #43

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,00 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    The "Pure Covid" stuff has been the favoured anti-lockdown unicorn of the people not "seduced" by mainstream thinking since the pandemic began. Here is that free thinker Wales Bales chucking it in in May 2020


    The original Campbell video was all innuendo (mainstream cover up) without the bollocks to say what that meant. He used a fellow sceptic, Sikora to intimate that this could cause an extra 50k excess cancer deaths (which he argued in May 2020) though even Campbell had to admit he didn't know where he plucked that figure from.

    Thankfully there is more persuasive research out there of the kind that does not need to be aired in rambling Youtube videos. Unlike the 40 minutes of your life on Campbell including 20 of full on snowflake, this is only an 8 minute read.


  19. #44

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,00 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokyo Blue View Post
    Multiple members of Sage either don't or didn't have any of those qualifications, and yet they influence government policy. What's your point?
    I think you misunderstand the structure and setup of Sage. Nobody can be an expert in all the needed fields and it has been set up to account for that.

  20. #45
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    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,00 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokyo Blue View Post
    Multiple members of Sage either don't or didn't have any of those qualifications, and yet they influence government policy. What's your point?

    Clearly he understands more than you as he scrutinises data without an agenda and doesn't seek to reinforce a narrative. The BBC have outrightly misrepresented him and defamed him by accusing him of diminishing the emotional impact of those who have died. He should sue their bloody bollocks off.

    But had you condescended to watch his rebuttal video where he explains his position in relation to the BBC tripe, then you yourself would be aware of this.
    Would the "retired nurse educator" earn money from his Youtube postings? If he does earn money from his opinions, is he not incentivized to offer the pernicious and controversial viewpoints that his 2M followers demand?

    He doesn't "scrutinize data". He doesn't have access to primary data. Very few people have access to the primary data around Covid-19. There's a reason - it's proprietary in most countries. What he apparently does is determinedly misinterpret statistics (possibly to his pecuniary benefit). There's a fundamental difference between the two.

    Someone else made the relevant and apposite point that nobody on Sage has expertise and experience in all the required fields. It's a group which draws upon multiple disciplines. I know for a fact that "nurse educator" is not one if the primary disciplines among groups who have advised governments on the pandemic.

  21. #46

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    I honestly feel as though he is being misrepresented here and
    I don't feel as though he needed to sensationalize anything.

    He has been Critical of many things from a bipartisan standpoint.

    When he has been incorrect about something he has earnestly held his hands up.

    Unbelievable that there would be a witch hunt against someone who has been so incredibly helpful throughout this pandemic.

  22. #47

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Wash DC Blue View Post
    I honestly feel as though he is being misrepresented here and
    I don't feel as though he needed to sensationalize anything.

    He has been Critical of many things from a bipartisan standpoint.

    When he has been incorrect about something he has earnestly held his hands up.

    Unbelievable that there would be a witch hunt against someone who has been so incredibly helpful throughout this pandemic.
    As helpful as Joe Rogan maybe?

  23. #48

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    As helpful as Joe Rogan maybe?
    Has Joe Rogan promoted vaccines and advocated mask wearing?

  24. #49

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Wash DC Blue View Post
    Has Joe Rogan promoted vaccines and advocated mask wearing?
    No I'll concede that.

  25. #50

    Re: Youtube video claiming only 17,000 died of Covid exposed as inaccurate by BBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Wash DC Blue View Post
    I honestly feel as though he is being misrepresented here and
    I don't feel as though he needed to sensationalize anything.

    He has been Critical of many things from a bipartisan standpoint.

    When he has been incorrect about something he has earnestly held his hands up.

    Unbelievable that there would be a witch hunt against someone who has been so incredibly helpful throughout this pandemic.
    I've watched some good stuff by him but there's no doubt in my mind the video that's caused a problem was a f*ck up. Having said that, it's important to remember that the BBC article and subsequent publicity will mean more revenue. YouTubers who garner 2M+ subscribers and 1M+ views per video aren't doing it for pleasure. It's a business.

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