Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
Because he didn't commit rape.

She babbled on about a rapist being at the club blah blah. Said nothing when he was cleared, as far as I can see.

The fact him and a mate have had sex with a girl at the same time though may not be whatnot call perfect behaviour from a public figure, but its hardly a disgrace, happens in every town and village up and down the country where people have sex with more than one person. Its not just in them xxx videos

He deserved an apology for the way she came out and spoke about him.
I mean, a Judge of the Supreme Courts of Scotland said that he raped her, so there's that.

"she was incapable of giving meaningful consent, and that they each raped her"

How you get from that to him deserving an apology I have no idea but I don't really want to get into it because it's pretty f**ked up