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Thread: Covid transhuman babies?

  1. #26

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I posted a video earlier in this thread of a mother bemoaning her Covid baby. Hell, it is only 44 seconds duration! I could link to several others. Yes, she and others in them could be lying crisis actors too, or sponsored by Russians/David Icke/the Anti-Reptilian Alliance....
    Before I watch the video, is it the one where the mother of the child was contacted and said that her baby was born premature and has normal genetics, and that she (the mother) wasn't vaccinated until AFTER the birth? Just to save me 44 seconds.


  2. #27

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    44 seconds later, and I am confused after watching the video.

    This was in Mexico, I thought. So why is the woman speaking quite clearly an American?

  3. #28

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Somehow I am not surprised you thought it was in Mexico. It was shot in a Limerick, Eire, hospital as anyone familiar with their distinct dialect may have guessed from the mother's words.

  4. #29

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Somehow I am not surprised you thought it was in Mexico. It was shot in a Limerick, Eire, hospital as anyone familiar with their distinct dialect may have guessed from the mother's words.
    Right, so it was an Irish mother with an American accent and a Mexican gynaecologist?

  5. #30

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    I was pulling your proverbial chain.

  6. #31

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    If her reputation is in tatters organ, how would you, from your own personal experience of that, suggest she rebuilds?

    Take an 18 month sabbatical and pretend it never happened, perhaps?

  7. #32

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Somehow I am not surprised you thought it was in Mexico. It was shot in a Limerick, Eire, hospital as anyone familiar with their distinct dialect may have guessed from the mother's words.
    Limerick you say?

    There was a conspiracy theorist from Wales;
    Untroubled by factual details;
    Soros, Gates, the Plandemic;
    Now black-eyed babes are transgenic;
    There's no end of preposterous tales!

  8. #33

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Over the course of the past 14 months I stopped counting at 60 people, but it's probably circa 120 now, who I had all things Covid discussions with at two pub gardens. When it became clear they had volunteered to be jabbed I asked them whether they were aware that the makers of all the vaccines enjoyed total indemnity for any deaths and adverse reactions they may cause. Not one amongst them did. Indeed, several suggested I was talking out of my you know what. Two were so adamant I was mistaken that I offered them a bet, my 100 quid against their tenner. They declined.

    How is it that so few are aware that when they volunteer to roll a shirt sleeve the manufacturer's of them refuse to stand behind their "safe" products?

    It's because that information has been deliberately concealed from them. Yes, a conspiracy, a real conspiracy of silence.

  9. #34

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Over the course of the past 14 months I stopped counting at 60 people, but it's probably circa 120 now, who I had all things Covid discussions with at two pub gardens. When it became clear they had volunteered to be jabbed I asked them whether they were aware that the makers of all the vaccines enjoyed total indemnity for any deaths and adverse reactions they may cause. Not one amongst them did. Indeed, several suggested I was talking out of my you know what. Two were so adamant I was mistaken that I offered them a bet, my 100 quid against their tenner. They declined.

    How is it that so few are aware that when they volunteer to roll a shirt sleeve the manufacturer's of them refuse to stand behind their "safe" products?

    It's because that information has been deliberately concealed from them. Yes, a conspiracy, a real conspiracy of silence.
    May I suggest that you take your crusade back into the real world, and spare us? The last 14 months have been lovely on here.

  10. #35

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Limerick you say?

    There was a conspiracy theorist from Wales;
    Untroubled by factual details;
    Soros, Gates, the Plandemic;
    Now black-eyed babes are transgenic;
    There's no end of preposterous tales!

  11. #36

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    May I suggest that you take your crusade back into the real world, and spare us? The last 14 months have been lovely on here.
    In all seriousness, were you aware that what I just said about the vaccine makers have zero liability? I suspect you are. But you'll find it tough to contest that the BBC and the rest of MSM have indeed kept mum.

  12. #37

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    In all seriousness, were you aware that what I just said about the vaccine makers have zero liability? I suspect you are. But you'll find it tough to contest that the BBC and the rest of MSM have indeed kept mum.
    Without wanting to boast, I did know. I can't remember where I read it. It could have been this MSM source


    or this MSM source


    Or perhaps another one. It's a long time ago now.

    I would say that having no financial or legal liability is not the same as zero liability at all. If Pfizer was causing mutant babies, then that would be pretty much the end of the company.

  13. #38

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    On that theme, I note the MHRA yellow card reporting site shows very nearly two thousand UK Covid vaccine deaths and approaching a million and a half adverse events.

    At a total compensation cost to AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer of, wait for it, nil, zilch nada - £0.00.

  14. #39

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    On that theme, I note the MHRA yellow card reporting site shows very nearly two thousand UK Covid vaccine deaths and approaching a million and a half adverse events.

    At a total compensation cost to AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer of, wait for it, nil, zilch nada - £0.00.
    Care to link to this?

  15. #40

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Without wanting to boast, I did know. I can't remember where I read it. It could have been this MSM source


    or this MSM source


    Or perhaps another one. It's a long time ago now.

    I would say that having no financial or legal liability is not the same as zero liability at all. If Pfizer was causing mutant babies, then that would be pretty much the end of the company.
    A Tsunami of get vaccinated, get boosted propaganda by politicians, media and NHS and never a disclaimer.

    I wasn't exaggerating when I estimated none from 120 people knew. That's how the deliberate and spectacularly successful the omission scheme was. Shocking!

  16. #41

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Care to link to this?
    Try this, type google.com, in the search there bar type MHRA yellow card reporting. Click the top link returned. I could link it directly but you'll have to dig out the numbers I just gave because it's buried deep, no doubt deliberately.

  17. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    I'm glad watchful Organ Morgan is back, his in depth investigations are truly fascinating.

  18. #43

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I'm glad watchful Organ Morgan is back, his in depth investigations are truly fascinating.
    Is he always like this?

    This thread makes your ramblings look semi-rational and sensical by comparison.

  19. #44

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    The precise numbers at Yellow Card is: 1,996 deaths, 1,445,836 adverse events.

    Deaths by vaccine: Unspecified 37, Pfizer 713, Moderna 35, AstraZeneca 1,211.

  20. #45

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Try this, type google.com, in the search there bar type MHRA yellow card reporting. Click the top link returned. I could link it directly but you'll have to dig out the numbers I just gave because it's buried deep, no doubt deliberately.
    I assume you mean:

    "The MHRA has received 713 UK reports of suspected ADRs to the COVID-19 Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine in which the patient died shortly after vaccination, 1,211 reports for the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, 35 for the COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna and 37 where the brand of vaccine was unspecified. The majority of these reports were in elderly people or people with underlying illness. Usage of the vaccines has increased over the course of the campaigns and as such, so has reporting of fatal events with a temporal association with vaccination. However, this does not mean that there is a link between vaccination and the fatalities reported. Review of specific fatal reports is provided in the summaries above. The pattern of reporting for all other fatal reports does not suggest the vaccines played a role in these deaths."

    I assume the 'million and a half adverse effects' that you refer to is accounted for in this paragraph:

    "the overwhelming majority relate to injection-site reactions (sore arm for example) and generalised symptoms such as a ‘flu-like’ illness, headache, chills, fatigue (tiredness), nausea (feeling sick), fever, dizziness, weakness, aching muscles, and rapid heartbeat. Generally, these happen shortly after the vaccination and are not associated with more serious or lasting illness."

    I put a sentence in bold above. I suggested to my wife's family that her grandmother (well into her 90s, frail, does not leave the house) would be better off not risking taking the vaccine because in her condition it could very well do more harm than good. Most people are not in this position.

  21. #46

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The precise numbers at Yellow Card is: 1,996 deaths, 1,445,836 adverse events.

    Deaths by vaccine: Unspecified 37, Pfizer 713, Moderna 35, AstraZeneca 1,211.
    Does it say "deaths by vaccine"?

  22. #47

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I'm glad watchful Organ Morgan is back, his in depth investigations are truly fascinating.
    Jeez, a couple of days ago you were spitting feathers over David Lammy comparing the ERG to the Nazis, now you are fawning over a proper holocaust denier who sees Jews at the root of most of the plots against the world!

  23. #48

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Does it say "deaths by vaccine"?
    No. The jabs are merely the leading cause of coincidences worldwide.

    Returning to deliberate concealment, I have yet to see MSM outlets draw attention to the MHRA stats or provide any info of how to make reports.

    Call me a cynic, but I rather think they don't want the proles to know. What say you?

  24. #49

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Jeez, a couple of days ago you were spitting feathers over David Lammy comparing the ERG to the Nazis, now you are fawning over a proper holocaust denier who sees Jews at the root of most of the plots against the world!
    Cyril, is this the new you? It does appear all you have to offer in the shape of discourse is tedious sniping.

    Come on, up your game.

  25. #50

    Re: Covid transhuman babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    No. The jabs are merely the leading cause of coincidences worldwide.

    Returning to deliberate concealment, I have yet to see MSM outlets draw attention to the MHRA stats or provide any info of how to make reports.

    Call me a cynic, but I rather think they don't want the proles to know. What say you?

    It sounds like you're believing what
    ever you read or see online that fits your beliefs/narrative.

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