Quote Originally Posted by adz-a32 View Post
I would like you ask how is mask wearing an extreme? It’s a way of living with the virus. Vaccines are not fully effective, but are pretty good so they are the main course with the Covid response. But you need sides such as mask wearing and ventilation. And with using dirty masks, I agree is stupid. It’s like as you said, a dirty hankie or a dirty plate.

We live with every virus out there but have an arsenal of measures to reduce them. I don’t get why Covid is any different. And with Covid, we are not out the woods or will ever be fully out of the woods so we need measures
Mask wearing in everyday settings is an extreme. It's not natural, many people use masks incorrectly as I mentioned earlier, and it inhibits clear communication. Politicians have made it worse by introducing draconian measures without scientific evidence. ie need them in a supermarket but not in a pub or restaurant. No need in football stadium although I'm standing next to someone for 2 hours, but then need them on bus home ...it's all a nonsense.