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Thread: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

  1. #1

    Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia


    Why is our response to Russia so pathetic? Oh because our government has been bought out by them and London is the laundering money capital of the world.

    I don't know how this can be defended especially in the face of plummeting living standards.

  2. #2

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post

    Why is our response to Russia so pathetic? Oh because our government has been bought out by them and London is the laundering money capital of the world.

    I don't know how this can be defended especially in the face of plummeting living standards.
    Lots of the usual bluster from Johnson at PMQs this week, but that chart is a national embarrassment.

  3. #3

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    You armchair gung-ho boys will hopefully spare the rest of us from any bleating should you suffer painful financial consequences in the months ahead when trying to keep pace with rocketing prices. Take it stoically and with a stiff upper lip because you were cheerleaders.

    A sobering read from Zero Hedge today - Russia "Recommends" Fertilizer Makers To Halt All Exports https://www.zerohedge.com/commoditie...lt-all-exports - which highlights the world's dependency on Russia's supply and what may happen to food prices without it.

  4. #4

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    You armchair gung-ho boys will hopefully spare the rest of us from any bleating should you suffer painful financial consequences in the months ahead when trying to keep pace with rocketing prices. Take it stoically and with a stiff upper lip because you were cheerleaders.

    A sobering read from Zero Hedge today - Russia "Recommends" Fertilizer Makers To Halt All Exports https://www.zerohedge.com/commoditie...lt-all-exports - which highlights the world's dependency on Russia's supply and what may happen to food prices without it.
    Agreed. Although judging by the scale of the Russian donations to the Tory party, it's highly likely that's a big factor in there being very little in the way of sanctions from the UK.

    The other factor that makes that graph appear so pathetic is the fact that maybe the UK just not that significant anymore in the grand scheme of things and sanctioning Russia wouldn't really add much value. If we were still part of the EU I imagine the same people would be slapping each other on the back and saying how great it is that we've sanctioned Russia so heavily, despite not knowing the UK's role in ordering them.

  5. #5

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    You armchair gung-ho boys will hopefully spare the rest of us from any bleating should you suffer painful financial consequences in the months ahead when trying to keep pace with rocketing prices. Take it stoically and with a stiff upper lip because you were cheerleaders.

    A sobering read from Zero Hedge today - Russia "Recommends" Fertilizer Makers To Halt All Exports https://www.zerohedge.com/commoditie...lt-all-exports - which highlights the world's dependency on Russia's supply and what may happen to food prices without it.
    Putin’s energy shock is becoming a world food crisis. Brace for rationing.


  6. #6

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Putin’s energy shock is becoming a world food crisis. Brace for rationing.

    Crikey, that was a depressing read.

    'Every society is three meals away from chaos.' — Vladimir Lenin.

  7. #7

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Freeze dried grub - mashed potato, porridge, etc - last eons. Tinned food remains edible for a very long time too. Spam is up there with the most disgusting food I've tried as it's loaded with so much salt, but would no doubt taste delicious for anyone who hasn't eaten for a few days.

  8. #8

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    We can all remember when bog roll mania reached Britain's shores. If people get spooked then supermarket aisles will be filled with those having a tug of war over the last packet, box or tin of whatever they need.

  9. #9

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post

    Why is our response to Russia so pathetic? Oh because our government has been bought out by them and London is the laundering money capital of the world.

    I don't know how this can be defended especially in the face of plummeting living standards.
    God you talk some nonsense.

    Starting point is UK is bad and you work back from that.

    Try doing things in reverse. There are numerous sanctions we are tougher on. Energy for example. There are also elements of support we are stronger - for example the military.

    There is also the question on what good sanctions do and in terms of oligarchs the fact that Putin has wanted them repatriated for years.

    Honestly, I don't get the self loathing that drives some of you. It's out of all proportion. And you never arrive at that position from lookint at evidence - you start there and select evidence to suit it.

    It's weird as hell tbh.

  10. #10

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    You armchair gung-ho boys will hopefully spare the rest of us from any bleating should you suffer painful financial consequences in the months ahead when trying to keep pace with rocketing prices. Take it stoically and with a stiff upper lip because you were cheerleaders.

    A sobering read from Zero Hedge today - Russia "Recommends" Fertilizer Makers To Halt All Exports https://www.zerohedge.com/commoditie...lt-all-exports - which highlights the world's dependency on Russia's supply and what may happen to food prices without it.
    We already are suffering consequences, your suppositions about the lack of intelligence of anyone who does not align themselves with the so self satisfied, know everything about everything group on here are deeply insulting. Do you really think that anyone who thinks differently to you believes that life will just carry on as normal if the UK started to take tougher sanctions against Russia and Belarus? As it is, the level of financial support for the Governing party from Russia and their relative lack of support for measures taken by other countries and communities is bound to invite questions.

  11. #11

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    God you talk some nonsense.

    Starting point is UK is bad and you work back from that.

    Try doing things in reverse. There are numerous sanctions we are tougher on. Energy for example. There are also elements of support we are stronger - for example the military.

    There is also the question on what good sanctions do and in terms of oligarchs the fact that Putin has wanted them repatriated for years.

    Honestly, I don't get the self loathing that drives some of you. It's out of all proportion. And you never arrive at that position from lookint at evidence - you start there and select evidence to suit it.

    It's weird as hell tbh.
    Well when you see plumeeting living standards, child poverty growing at huge rates, electric and gas bills doubling, an older generation seemingly who cares more about woke than climate change, a government mired in corruption and then limited sanctions against Russia it's hard to see how the UK is good in any way.

    I've asked you this about 5 times now, tell me one thing that's getting better in the UK, every single time you ignore this question.

    Love how you completely ignore the statistics in the article and bring up two points with no evidence whatsoever to say it doesn't matter.

    The fact is you completely ignore evidence that doesn't support your tory mates every single time.

  12. #12

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Well when you see plummeting living standards, child poverty growing at huge rates, electric and gas bills doubling, an older generation seemingly who cares more about woke than climate change, a government mired in corruption and then limited sanctions against Russia it's hard to see how the UK is good in any way.
    And the sad thing is all of this was planned well in advance. However, I don't think many would have heeded any warnings, as they prefer to shoot the messenger.

  13. #13

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    We already are suffering consequences, your suppositions about the lack of intelligence of anyone who does not align themselves with the so self satisfied, know everything about everything group on here are deeply insulting. Do you really think that anyone who thinks differently to you believes that life will just carry on as normal if the UK started to take tougher sanctions against Russia and Belarus? As it is, the level of financial support for the Governing party from Russia and their relative lack of support for measures taken by other countries and communities is bound to invite questions.
    Yes, Bobsy, we are in the beginning throes of an economic Armageddon as you already know from seeing your new energy tariffs and being an avid fan of I and Mr Wales-Bales' profound Great Reset insights.

    You are a lucky fellow to be fearful of taking to your bed when sleepy as your bedroom ceilings should be bowed with the weight of the food and other provisions you have stored in the loft to aid your survival in an imminent Mad Max-like Britain after the currency's purchasing power is hyperinflated to worthlessness and the unprepared go berserk upon realising their entire life savings and monthly income won't be enough to purchase a single onion.

    While your neighbours queue at the nearest food bank for their government rations of one ounce of butter, eight cream crackers and a tin of mulligatawny soup per person each week, you will remain at home noshing your way through the contents of your still bulging chest freezer. As they all become emaciated, you will be piling on the pounds from gorging on scampi and plump chicken breasts.

    You will need to keep a very low profile for should anyone suspect you're not suffering to the extent they are then they will try to rob you of your goodies faster than an Eritrean stood on the Calais shoreline can embark an English Channel UK Border Force shuttle service vessel to Dover.

    Few know precisely what hardships Klaus Schwab and his Young Global Leader Boris Johnson have planned for Britons to endure. We do know though the intent is for citizens here and elsewhere to beg for an easing of their privations. Hold on tight, Bobsy, it's going to be a terrifying ride.

  14. #14

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Yes, Bobsy, we are in the beginning throes of an economic Armageddon as you already know from seeing your new energy tariffs and being an avid fan of I and Mr Wales-Bales' profound Great Reset insights.

    You are a lucky fellow to be fearful of taking to your bed when sleepy as your bedroom ceilings should be bowed with the weight of the food and other provisions you have stored in the loft to aid your survival in an imminent Mad Max-like Britain after the currency's purchasing power is hyperinflated to worthlessness and the unprepared go berserk upon realising their entire life savings and monthly income won't be enough to purchase a single onion.

    While your neighbours queue at the nearest food bank for their government rations of one ounce of butter, eight cream crackers and a tin of mulligatawny soup per person each week, you will remain at home noshing your way through the contents of your still bulging chest freezer. As they all become emaciated, you will be piling on the pounds from gorging on scampi and plump chicken breasts.

    You will need to keep a very low profile for should anyone suspect you're not suffering to the extent they are then they will try to rob you of your goodies faster than an Eritrean stood on the Calais shoreline can embark an English Channel UK Border Force shuttle service vessel to Dover.

    Few know precisely what hardships Klaus Schwab and his Young Global Leader Boris Johnson have planned for Britons to endure. We do know though the intent is for citizens here and elsewhere to beg for an easing of their privations. Hold on tight, Bobsy, it's going to be a terrifying ride.
    East Ham

  15. #15

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Our esteemed Home Secretary was telling all and sundry that their were Home Office staff stationed in Calais as part of the Government’s drive to enable Ukrainian refugees to come here as part of her response to criticism about how little the UK was doing for refugees compared to other countries. Well today, the Government are admitting there’s no Home Office staff in Calais to aid the immigration process so Patel lied. Increasingly, it’s becoming clear that, in true Johnson Government style, we’re talking a good game while doing less than many other countries who are not so keen on blowing their own trumpet.

  16. #16

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    The situation in Calais is shameful. But is anyone suprised?

  17. #17

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    This sums up a good deal of the nature of this government. It proclaims so much yet achieves so little. The Emperor has no clothes but unfortunately people only hear the strident false claims of the government propaganda.

  18. #18

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    The situation in Calais is shameful. But is anyone suprised?
    It's clearly not on. Are these isolated cases or the general state of affairs?

  19. #19

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Germany and Netherlands still refusing to cut Russian gas reliance. Which I can understand incidentally.


  20. #20

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    The world's committing economic suicide because of Ukraine-Russia.

    The consequences will be a horror show for all of us.

  21. #21

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The world's committing economic suicide because of Ukraine-Russia.

    The consequences will be a horror show for all of us.
    I've got family in S.E. Asia living out in the sticks on fertile land. In hindsight, it's looking like the best bit of procreating I ever did. I'm so glad I don't have any kids or grandchildren here, I'd never be able to sleep at night knowing that their futures are about to be tossed away.

  22. #22

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Former Ukrainian president praising the UK here:

    Zelenskyy praised the UK in parliament yesterday.

    Why are people here so keen to run us down?

  23. #23
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Former Ukrainian president praising the UK here:

    Zelenskyy praised the UK in parliament yesterday.

    Why are people here so keen to run us down?
    People are not running 'us' down - they are running the government down. They are rightly doing it because the sanctions package put forward by the UK government was initially pathetic, and is still way less than others, and gives his oligarch backers weeks or months to evade the effects. They are also doing it because the response to the Ukranian refugee crisis is equally pathetic as well as inept. This is all presented with the usual cocktail of lies, bluster and bullshit from Johnson, Patel etc.

    Zelensky is a smart politician. He will say what he thinks is most effective to get the response he wants from his allies in this war. Of course he praised the UK in his address to parliament. It doesn't mean he is impressed by UK sanctions, material support to Ukraine or what passes for 'our' (by which I mean the government) refugee relief effort.

    Why are you so keen to give Johnson and his government a free pass in the face of overwhelming evidence of their corruption, lies and ineptitude?

  24. #24

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    People are not running 'us' down - they are running the government down. They are rightly doing it because the sanctions package put forward by the UK government was initially pathetic, and is still way less than others, and gives his oligarch backers weeks or months to evade the effects. They are also doing it because the response to the Ukranian refugee crisis is equally pathetic as well as inept. This is all presented with the usual cocktail of lies, bluster and bullshit from Johnson, Patel etc.

    Zelensky is a smart politician. He will say what he thinks is most effective to get the response he wants from his allies in this war. Of course he praised the UK in his address to parliament. It doesn't mean he is impressed by UK sanctions, material support to Ukraine or what passes for 'our' (by which I mean the government) refugee relief effort.

    Why are you so keen to give Johnson and his government a free pass in the face of overwhelming evidence of their corruption, lies and ineptitude?
    Just an observation. I dont think there is overwhelming evidence of what you cite.

    It's more that I think we are doing alright in sanctions (perhaps slowly on oligarchs, certainly quicker on fuel imports etc), we are doing better than most on military support, better than most from what I have read on humanitarian aid in Ukraine, and clearly need to do better on the process of coming here once you reach Calais etc etc.

    I just think it's a mixed bag, but we only hear vitriolic criticism from many on the British left. It's strange, and seems to go against what even those in Ukraine say.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Pathetic UK sanctions against Russia

    400 million in so far for a single country's contribution that's not bad ?

    We are one of the most welcoming and generous countries on earth.

    I wouldn't gauge public opinion on narrow political view's .

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