Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
Listen, you fool. I'll happily debate with anybody but there has to be some common understanding of rational principles upon which to base a discussion. I'll give you an example. I know xsnaggle and I have diametrically opposed views on many societal issues but at least we can debate logically (well I can (it's a joke, snags)).

You have shown repeatedly that you're completely unwilling/unable to apply basic logic to your unfiltered bullshit. But more than this you treat everyone in a condescending, elitist manner based on what is blind faith to a dying cult. (It's not "rational faith" because rationality, philosophy and science would lead you to the conclusion that your god does not exist.)

What you don't understand is that what your spouting is dangerous bollocks. I'll repeat: it has led to millions of cases of abuse and murder as part of your cult. And I'm not an atheist, I'm an anti-theist. (Deism? That's a different matter.) In regards to the current conflict, all we need is someone like you who supposedly thinks there's an afterlife and we would have an itchy finger over the nuclear trigger (cf. Mike Pence).

What you've done is created a sideshow to the matter at hand in this thread. And I feel bad for engaging with you and feeding your idiocy.

So frankly, bye bye.
Thanks for confirming my comments on the state of UK spirituality in contrast to the 1950's (and before).

As for a 'dying cult' then > According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, there were only an estimated 600 million Christians worldwide in 1910. This figure has increased enormously in more recent years, with an estimated 2.2 billion Christian followers recorded in 2010. The research center also predicts that Christianity will remain the world’s largest religion for the next four decades if these trends continue, with a projected 2.9 billion people practicing Christianity worldwide by 2050 and exceeding 3 billion thereafter.

And as promised I won't be placing any fresh faith related content on this thread apart from answering any misconceived ideas in relation to what I have stated before.