Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
I'm with you on this one LoM. Apparently Madeleine Albright in some posters eyes was as evil as Saddam Hussein. Though Hussein, if he was still with us, would argue he didn't gas his own people just a bunch of Kurds who happened to live in Iraq.

Put on the spot, her words are callous about the plight of people living under his rule as sanctions bit. After invading another country and then remaining in power after the first Gulf War he did wreak massive retribution on the poor Shia and Marsh Arabs.

Though Raymondo's You Tube wrongly attributes her quote to the falsity of WMD, as she had long left the stage before the 2nd Gulf War, it does go to show that the decency or otherwise of a politician's life and their achievements can be defined in the eyes of some by how they react to a single question.
I think her tough childhood as a refugee made her a tough outspoken person which upset folks reading her fathers woes dies explain a lot in 39 her dad
fled to UK for political becasuse some of her grandparents were and died in Nazi concentration camps.

They finally went home after WW2 but moved to the USA in 1948 after Soviet Communist seized power in Prague.

Her dad and Madeleine certainly went through hard times .

I'm sure we all say things In the moment and deeply regret what they sound like many years later as we become better advised as the world moves on.