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Thread: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

  1. #51

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I'm waiting for the day when conspiracy theories are nothing more than a conspiracy theory.
    Old joke. What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and fact? Usually about six months.

  2. #52

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Old joke. What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and fact? Usually about six months.
    Got any examples?

    Keep in mind you've only got 4 days to come up with the answer before it becomes irrelevant!

  3. #53

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post

    As the brightest and most self aware of those (ok pair) promoting The Great Reset can you honestly explain why before your (ok pair) gap year it was Bilderburg this, Soros that, Rothschild the other. Now they are bit players and suddenly it's all Schwab.

    Previous posts on Davos seemed to focus on Trump's triumphant appearance there. The Reset stuff and all the transparent online videos was the June 2020 agenda. I know you and the gang (pair) might have been preoccupied elsewhere but given its importance why did it take you three months into late Feb 2022 after your first reappearance to make any kind of mention of it. It's almost like you have only playdough as an option (though not quite) when teacher started class assignments in Illuminati school each morning!
    Unlike my understudy, I never posted anything complimentary about Trump and stated throughout his tenure he was full of you know what.

    Schwab is just easy shorthand for who he's fronting for. Bilderberg is one of many think tanks. Chatham House, Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations are among many others. Then there's yet murkier ones like the Club of Rome, Skull and Bones, etc.

    The Denis Healey quote I'm fond of posting tells us the money mafia is atop of the hierarchy. That's controlled through BIS in Switzerland, also known as the central bank of central banks.

  4. #54

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Unlike my understudy, I never posted anything complimentary about Trump and stated throughout his tenure he was full of you know what.

    Schwab is just easy shorthand for who he's fronting for. Bilderberg is one of many think tanks. Chatham House, Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations are among many others. Then there's yet murkier ones like the Club of Rome, Skull and Bones, etc.

    The Denis Healey quote I'm fond of posting tells us the money mafia is atop of the hierarchy. That's controlled through BIS in Switzerland, also known as the central bank of central banks.
    That's why I put you top of....an admittedly small class Morg. Just goes to show smaller class sizes are not the only answer to a better education!

    Yeah I saw you attributed his quote to his autobiography but try as I might I can't find it there. The only example I can see of the quote first came from an anti-Bilderburg tome and there is no identifiable reference point to it anywhere in Googleland....unless you can enlighten me.

  5. #55

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Unlike my understudy, I never posted anything complimentary about Trump and stated throughout his tenure he was full of you know what.

    Schwab is just easy shorthand for who he's fronting for. Bilderberg is one of many think tanks. Chatham House, Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations are among many others. Then there's yet murkier ones like the Club of Rome, Skull and Bones, etc.

    The Denis Healey quote I'm fond of posting tells us the money mafia is atop of the hierarchy. That's controlled through BIS in Switzerland, also known as the central bank of central banks.
    I was always on the fence regarding Trump, and there are some who say he is a part of it, but I did call out the Trump Russia collusion hoax from the very beginning, even though many people got swept along with with what turned out to be a totally ridiculous storyline.

  6. #56

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Unlike my understudy, I never posted anything complimentary about Trump and stated throughout his tenure he was full of you know what.

    Schwab is just easy shorthand for who he's fronting for. Bilderberg is one of many think tanks. Chatham House, Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations are among many others. Then there's yet murkier ones like the Club of Rome, Skull and Bones, etc.

    The Denis Healey quote I'm fond of posting tells us the money mafia is atop of the hierarchy. That's controlled through BIS in Switzerland, also known as the central bank of central banks.
    Fair play Morg, on Trump it is like shooting fish in a barrel and your record is pretty clean. Out of interest how do you convince your limited apprentice you are on the same team?

  7. #57

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    That's why I put you top of....an admittedly small class Morg. Just goes to show smaller class sizes are not the only answer to a better education!

    Yeah I saw you attributed his quote to his autobiography but try as I might I can't find it there. The only example I can see of the quote first came from an anti-Bilderburg tome and there is no identifiable reference point to it anywhere in Googleland....unless you can enlighten me.
    It's deffo in there. I saw an image taken of the page it appears on.

    Here's another image with a message you might approve of - https://imgur.com/a/xSFYxY6#3SN0QbH - for reasons I am still unable to discern. I have even considered whether you are a fan of chanting Ave Satanis with others wearing goat and owl headdresses at secret ceremonies in the basement of your Lodge. If so, you will know who Albert Pike is and details of his alleged three world wars plan detailed in a letter to usher in his new world order.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    This is not even dog whistling to your anti-Jewish rhetoric. What should amaze me is that dog with a bone, Life on Mars could easily start a dozen threads with many pages of moral disgust if his nostrils sniffed the merest whiff of anti-semitism in the Labour Party. Yet here you are pouring out effluent like a main sewer and because you are one of his message board heroes (Long Live Organ Morgan), he is as quiet as a Jack's fart in Canton.
    I have to admit not being able to study Organs post in detail nor do I keep a library of them , however they can be amusing .

    As for organs ALLEGED anti Semitic comments can you kindly point them out from your vast treasures of CCMB back files as I honestly do not have time to read every threads in such detail due to a busy work and home life .

    I will agree with you I get very upset and angry with political parties having it amongst their vocabulary as they are leaders of our communities unlike dear Organ , who simply likes to entertain and provide a window of difference , the one skill I do admire of him is his ability to construct a post well and create /stimulate debate .

  9. #59

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Fair play Morg, on Trump it is like shooting fish in a barrel and your record is pretty clean. Out of interest how do you convince your limited apprentice you are on the same team?
    I'll have to give him a pep talk. I'll tell him he either ups his game or it'll be a clip around the ear time.

  10. #60

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I have to admit not being able to study Organs post in detail nor do I keep a library of them , however they can be amusing .

    As for organs ALLEGED anti Semitic comments can you kindly point them out from your vast treasures of CCMB back files as I honestly do not have time to read every threads in such detail due to a busy work and home life .

    I will agree with you I get very upset and angry with political parties having it amongst their vocabulary as they are leaders of our communities unlike dear Organ , who simply likes to entertain and provide a window of difference , the one skill I do admire of him is his ability to construct a post well and create /stimulate debate .
    Oops.. shit sorry Morg! I know the mods deleted the starkest Holocaust denial ones but forgive me when I do your greatest hits for LoM as they seem to have whooshed over his head!

  11. #61

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I'll have to give him a pep talk. I'll tell him he either ups his game or it'll be a clip around the ear time.

    The entire Trump Russia collusion hoax was a rule of law issue, hence we now find ourselves in the current situation.

  12. #62

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I have to admit not being able to study Organs post in detail nor do I keep a library of them , however they can be amusing .

    As for organs ALLEGED anti Semitic comments can you kindly point them out from your vast treasures of CCMB back files as I honestly do not have time to read every threads in such detail due to a busy work and home life .

    I will agree with you I get very upset and angry with political parties having it amongst their vocabulary as they are leaders of our communities unlike dear Organ , who simply likes to entertain and provide a window of difference , the one skill I do admire of him is his ability to construct a post well and create /stimulate debate .
    If I recall correctly, Cyril took umbrage with a post of mine in which I wondered how was it six million Jews had perished directly after World War 2 when the plaque outside of Auschwitz stated four million prisoners died there, yet the plaque there today says millions fewer did. I wanted to know how substracting 2.5 million from 6 million still equals the often repeated magic 6 million number.

  13. #63

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    If I recall correctly, Cyril took umbrage with a post of mine in which I wondered how was it six million Jews had perished directly after World War 2 when the plaque outside of Auschwitz stated four million prisoners died there, yet the plaque there today says millions fewer did. I wanted to know how substracting 2.5 million from 6 million still equals the often repeated magic 6 million number.

    This was one where you called it the Holohoax. Still we still have to keep searching as the arch anti-anti-semitist LoM commented on that thread so your views there must be in the ALLEGED category!

  14. #64

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Oops.. shit sorry Morg! I know the mods deleted the starkest Holocaust denial ones but forgive me when I do your greatest hits for LoM as they seem to have whooshed over his head!
    Without checking, I'm pretty certain Putin enacted a Holocaust denial law in Russia. Anyone capable of doing simple maths there would be in trouble.

  15. #65

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    For the benefit of non-film fans, here's the closing scene of Dr Strangelove - Dr. Strangelove - Ending https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4VlruVG81w

    Is it Bettty White singing or Vera Lynn?

    Stanley Kubrick who directed it greatest production came in 1969 on a film set made to look like the Moon's surface... allegedly.

  16. #66

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I have to admit not being able to study Organs post in detail nor do I keep a library of them , however they can be amusing .

    As for organs ALLEGED anti Semitic comments can you kindly point them out from your vast treasures of CCMB back files as I honestly do not have time to read every threads in such detail due to a busy work and home life .

    I will agree with you I get very upset and angry with political parties having it amongst their vocabulary as they are leaders of our communities unlike dear Organ , who simply likes to entertain and provide a window of difference , the one skill I do admire of him is his ability to construct a post well and create /stimulate debate .
    Here is another exchange from this very thread that seems to have escaped you.

    I said

    Who would have thought that arch anti-globalist Naomi Klein was calling this out as complete bollocks over a year before the Illuminati's brightest and best first mentioned it on here.

    Morg replied:

    I did read it. I must admit that her surname sent up many red flags before proceeding.

    When I called him out on his anti-Jewish rhetoric he replied.

    I noticed before you are extremely touchy about our Khazarian friends.

    The reference to Khazars are the Eastern European Jews who were overwhelmingly exterminated in the Holocaust.

    Still feeling the love. LoM?

  17. #67

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Cyril, am still wondering whether you are as big a fan of the Light-giver as Pikey was.

    Back to this thread, we'll know soon enough whether Putin's bluffing about unloading an AK47 into both the Euro and US dollar. Germany along with every other 'unfriendly' country can choose to lift the sanctions they imposed in order to pay for their energy needs as before.

    The problem for the US and friends is they can't bully a country by via their go to method of bombing it mercilessly from 35,000 feet because Russia has the ability to Betty White all of them from the map.

    I'm on the pop tomorrow. Will return with yet more necromancy on Saturday.

  18. #68

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It's interesting that Russia's oil and gas pipelines which run through Ukraine remain operational almost five weeks after the undeclared war started. Many people thought Ukrainian forces would deny Russia that huge revenue stream on day one of the conflict.

  19. #69

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I'll have to give him a pep talk. I'll tell him he either ups his game or it'll be a clip around the ear time.
    Perhaps the first lesson should be "don't lead with your chin". How many times do you have to be hit and get punch drunk without even knowing it?

  20. #70

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    For reasons unknown it appears the British government heads the current Russophobia movement and is trying its very best to provoke a response from the world's most nuclear armed country. Britain has no mutual defence pact with Ukraine, yet seems intent upon making this country's armed forces and the nation itself into a legitimate military target by arming Ukraine in addition to all the economic sanctions it has imposed on Russia.

    Britain’s most advanced anti-aircraft missile shoots down Russian helicopter https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-ne...an-helicopter/

    British missile 'rips Russian helicopter in half' in first use by Ukraine army https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/u...opter-26618144

    Video of a helicopter being hit - Dramatic moment Ukrainian troops shoot down Russian helicopter using British ‘Starstreak’ missiles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXnjQmoV2D8

    UK won’t get Russian gas – Moscow https://www.rt.com/russia/553155-uk-...t-russian-gas/

    From the above link:-

    “London wants to be the leader of everything anti-Russian. It even wants to be ahead of Washington! That’s the cost!” Peskov outlined.

    He was referring to the fact that the UK is the only country to have imposed sanctions on Russia’s Gazprombank, through which payments for Russian natural gas are made. The measure effectively denies Britain the ability to pay for the commodity.

  21. #71

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    In 2014 https://deagel.com/, a dedicated military hardware site, begun making economic and population forecasts for most of the world's countries for the year 2025. Those forecasts drew a great deal of attention from the 'conspiracy' world because it was unrelated to the rest of the content of the site and no explanation was provided for why they published the information or the reasoning they used to arrive at their conclusions.

    In 2017 it updated those forecasts, which were worse than those in 2014. It also explained why overwhelmingly white majority countries would suffer the greatest population and economic collapse. It said the purchasing power of their currencies would implode to spark mass emigration. In 2021 they removed all their forecasts.

    Here is an image of their forecasts for countries with the greatest population reductions - https://metallicman.com/wp-content/u...-28-181749.jpg

    Countries such as Russia and China are not on the list as their populations hardly drop. Some like India and Pakistan increase. Fleeing to Bangladesh or anywhere else for a better life will be a difficult process because the pound will have lost 95% of its value.

  22. #72

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    In 2014 https://deagel.com/, a dedicated military hardware site, begun making economic and population forecasts for most of the world's countries for the year 2025. Those forecasts drew a great deal of attention from the 'conspiracy' world because it was unrelated to the rest of the content of the site and no explanation was provided for why they published the information or the reasoning they used to arrive at their conclusions.

    In 2017 it updated those forecasts, which were worse than those in 2014. It also explained why overwhelmingly white majority countries would suffer the greatest population and economic collapse. It said the purchasing power of their currencies would implode to spark mass emigration. In 2021 they removed all their forecasts.

    Here is an image of their forecasts for countries with the greatest population reductions - https://metallicman.com/wp-content/u...-28-181749.jpg

    Countries such as Russia and China are not on the list as their populations hardly drop. Some like India and Pakistan increase. Fleeing to Bangladesh or anywhere else for a better life will be a difficult process because the pound will have lost 95% of its value.
    Where is zyril evansky when you need him?

  23. #73

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    In 2014 https://deagel.com/, a dedicated military hardware site, begun making economic and population forecasts for most of the world's countries for the year 2025. Those forecasts drew a great deal of attention from the 'conspiracy' world because it was unrelated to the rest of the content of the site and no explanation was provided for why they published the information or the reasoning they used to arrive at their conclusions.

    In 2017 it updated those forecasts, which were worse than those in 2014. It also explained why overwhelmingly white majority countries would suffer the greatest population and economic collapse. It said the purchasing power of their currencies would implode to spark mass emigration. In 2021 they removed all their forecasts.

    Here is an image of their forecasts for countries with the greatest population reductions - https://metallicman.com/wp-content/u...-28-181749.jpg

    Countries such as Russia and China are not on the list as their populations hardly drop. Some like India and Pakistan increase. Fleeing to Bangladesh or anywhere else for a better life will be a difficult process because the pound will have lost 95% of its value.

    Either your memory must be fading or you are is chronic need of new material as you have played this card a number of times before with predictable results.

    Last time was during your Plandemic phase where I helpfully posted this showing that the supposed website being an authoritative US linked intelligence source is nothing of the sort. I liked the bit in the rebuttal that actually stored the site's forecasts which got overwritten each time a deadline approached.

    Also this

    think of it this way: there is some random website out there that makes (1) extremely extraordinary claims, (2) they don't provide any sources or methodology as to how they managed to make these conclusions, (3) the origin and affiliations of this website are also unknown. Furthermore, (4) the only people who seem to take this seriously (instead of being skeptical like you) are people who run crackpot websites.


    If you want a real laugh about #400-510 in this thread shows this particular stupidity and of its cheerleaders in all this glory.


    A day in the life of Evans Debunkovich I guess

  24. #74

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I'm deffo gonna buy more Pot Noodles and mint imperials before next Monday.
    Germany: Grocery giant #Aldi is raising prices on 400 products by up to 30% starting tomorrow and expects other discounters like Lidl, Edeka, and Rewe to follow suit.

    Sri Lanka is now blocking almost all social media platforms after imposing a curfew amid civil unrest across the nation due to sky high food prices and power black outs military has been deployed

    coming to your country anytime soon folks !

  25. #75

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    Germany: Grocery giant #Aldi is raising prices on 400 products by up to 30% starting tomorrow and expects other discounters like Lidl, Edeka, and Rewe to follow suit.

    Sri Lanka is now blocking almost all social media platforms after imposing a curfew amid civil unrest across the nation due to sky high food prices and power black outs military has been deployed

    coming to your country anytime soon folks !
    Sri Lanka's cabinet ministers resign as crisis protesters defy curfew


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