Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
I didn't hear anybody using language like that and I'm pretty close to the technical area. A few people told him to 'sort it out' and variations of that theme but nobody swore at him. He didn't like it. Every other manager has either ignored or reacted by doing something positive.

Most of the time he looked bored rigid. Was silent. Like a cardboard cutout. It was bad. The whole vibe around the dugout subs warming up etc. was really weird. He really did look shell-shocked. I suspect he thought that it was going to be a straightforward win for us because he just didn't know what to do.

I honestly don't think he'll last next season.

I also agree that this has really damaged us as a club. There were a lot of casuals in the Grandstand yesterday as I suspect, there were everywhere else. They weren't impressed and many left at 0-2. It's all very well saying, oh well, they're not real supporters, but that's really unfair. They paid to be entertained and see a competitive derby. Some of them may have been swayed to buy season tickets.
Interesting comments. Why do you think Morison won't last next season? My take on Morison/next season is that we'll end up somewhere mid-table which will adequately Tan & Co. I do honestly think he isn't interested in us anymore. I doubt he'll give Morison a shed load of money to purchase expensive players pre season, and he won't have to fork out mega bucks to stop us doing down. Morison will be given just enough to spend on a few players and get a couple of prem loanees in and keep us floating about mid table