Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
And it's Yuval Harari once again! The psycho just loves to drool on camera about what he, his boss Klaus Schwab and the rest of the Davos crew are implementing.

He didn't say so but it seems the fastest route to force compliance for an implanted microchip is to replace physical money with digital only and for those who decline to be shut out of society by having no access to their finances.

The WEF's Build Back Better, or 6uild 6ack 6etter - the Biblical Mark of the Beast - goes in the right hand or forehead. It does look like they could skip the stepping stone of vaccine passports to get straight to that final stage by getting the USA and Western Europe to sanction themselves into collapsed economies and worthless currencies. Brilliantly evil from Team Satan.

WEF Speaker Yuval Noah Harari: "Covid is critical, because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize total biometric surveillance.... The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin.... We are really acquiring divine powers" - https://twitter.com/FMnews_/status/1...rc=twsrc%5Etfw
I watched the video and I can see how this chap draws his conclusions. My own take is that far from there being a worldwide conspiracy by governments we are simply falling into a trap of “unintended consequences” of our own making. The digital age has brought many advantages but along with it, it brings potential pitfalls. Whether we like it or not there is now total reliance on electronic transactions, without it the banking system would collapse and supermarket tills will cease to work, just two examples which alone would cause chaos in no time flat. All we need is power blackout for a day or two and bingo! Six meals away from anarchy and all that....

When it comes to digital surveillance, personally I don't care who knows what films I watch or what I buy from Amazon or Morrisons or Lidls. A quick sweep of my computer usage history will reveal (shock horror) that I am a DIY geek, am interesting in all manner of green energy projects, and am a member of the CCFC forum and a supporter of CCFC (the latter which would surely be of interest to any world government).

I don't have much time left on Planet Earth so I am not too bothered for myself but I do fear for the future for my grandchildren because their lives will be inextricably linked to technology in far greater ways than now. This will render them and their generation vulnerable in the extreme to any high-tech lunatics, leaving aside the potential devastation by nuclear or biological warfare; although I think such wars will be unlikely as it would be much easier and less potentially self-destructive to use technology to bring the world to its knees.