I've theorised for a while the Ukraine-Russia conflict is a manufactured production starring Putin who's playing the role of the designated villain. It's becoming more evident one of the objectives, perhaps the primary one, is to drive up the cost of food and energy via scarcity and with it let general inflation rip. This BBC article today supports the notion it is a contrived pretext.

Ukraine war: World Bank warns of 'human catastrophe' food crisis.

'The world faces a "human catastrophe" from a food crisis arising from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, World Bank president David Malpass has said.

He told the BBC that record rises in food prices would push hundreds of millions people into poverty and lower nutrition, if the crisis continues.

The World Bank calculates there could be a "huge" 37% jump in food prices.

This would hit the poor hardest, who will "eat less and have less money for anything else such as schooling". More: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-61171529

Then there's the fire outbreaks at processing plants. Soon after Tucker posted what's linked below, another burst into flames taking the recent total to 20.

What's happening to all the food processing plants? https://twitter.com/drafttucker2024/...3727976558600?

For a broader overview of what's happening: FOOD PRODUCTION IS GOING TO BE SUBSTANTIALLY LOWER THAN ANTICIPATED ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN 2022 - https://www.blacklistednews.com/arti...-globe-in.html

'I don’t think that people realize how severe this crisis will eventually become. Never before in modern history have we seen global food production being hit by so many major problems all at once,' is the first two sentences of that article. I'm sure Cyril, our resident coincidence theorist, is guaranteed to be unable to connect the dots.

Vegetable seeds, while still plentiful and affordable, might prove a wise investment for those paying attention.

I read yesterday it is perfectly possible to survive on just one food product - potatoes, and freeze dried ones remain edible for up to 30 years.