Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
I'm afraid the long term solution was to invest more heavily in and prioritise green energy many years ago.

You might want a long term solution but whether you chose to believe it or not, there are people who need a short term solution.

Also, I don't think anybody needs to be an 'energy industry expert' to know categorically that the big firms do not act in the interests of us. So when they announce 'record investment' and a 'commitment to Britain', forgive me for being suspicious about whether we are getting a good deal or not.
1 - We have invested in green energy. More than almost anywhere else - check it out. Our energy use is transformed.
2 - I compltetely understand people not short term help
3 - I agree - their priority is always to profit and shareholders, employees, customers etc. They are private businesses. It doesnt make them immoral or not part of the solution though