Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
James, you talk a lot about balance, nuance, political bias, political benefit - so to talk down people on here as being the CCMB labour party and straightaway linking to a right wing blog was notable.

"Net is tightening on Starmer. Personally I have little sympathy given how sanctimonious they have been. 30 currys at 10pm, beer...it sounds more like a party than a slice of cake and happy birthday in your office at lunchtime to me."

Is this balance to you? Are the Starmer and Johnson cases similar?

The facts are that the police investigated Starmer's gathering and didn't pursue it further. The police investigated Johnson's and have given 50 FPNs with more to come and at least one to Johnson.

Even if they had both received FPNs, Johnson's case would still be worse because he made the rules, every night he told the country that they had to stick to the rules or people would die, people resigned over the gatherings (not him, of course),and he lied to Parliament about what had happened.

I know that you know all this, because it's been said multiple times on here weekly and you've previously agreed that he should resign. It's clearly the worse of the two - so why is the whataboutery back again? Why are you back with the "happy birthday cake" line when you know that is not the problem with Johnson's behaviour?
I'll break it down for you:

1 - Yes, I think Starmers case and Johnsons case probably are similar.

2 - The police initially didnt investigate Johnson. They then did. There is no reason not to reinvestigate Starmer if new information emerges. It is critical all political parties are treated the same

3 - The CCMB Labour Party was of course said in jest. Although I don't doubt there are Labour party activists on here, which is fine of course. If that upsets you, you want to read what people call anyone who doesn't toe the line on here..

4 - I agree with you that Johnsons example would be worse, and the Tories generally worse given the parties at work (genuine boozy parties too). However, Labour positioned themselves as white than white, and it seems they may have been doing the same.

Why are you so worried about journalists investigating this? Surely holding all politicians to account is important? People were dying and couldnt go to funerals etc, so if the leader of the opposition and most likely next PM was drinking and eating in a group of 30, and spent months lying about it, is this not news?