Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
I think the NHS you remember is not the same anymore, as Boris and his pals have been busy "restructuring" it while you were locked up in your home these past few years. Apparently the new way forward is MRNA jabs for every ailment.
As someone who writes as 'Wales-Bales' I would have thought you would know that Wales NHS is nothing at all to do with Boris and his pals. The state that our Welsh NHS is in is purely down to the current Wales Government.
And let's not go with the argument that we need more money. It's restructure we need.

The average 'full time' GP works 3.5 days a week. I called mine the other day to make an appointment I was informed that I was 49th in the queue. This sort of thing is rubbish, same with waiting hours for an ambulance etc. And sadly Wales is the worst in the UK for waiting lists