Quote Originally Posted by AfricanBluebird View Post
So if a Muslim extremist commits a terrorist act, you DON'T believe we should mention they are a Muslim extremist?

There are plenty of mass shootings which are not racially motivated, whether it a white kid or black kid going into a school.

However, this was a terrorist attack which was racially motivated, the guy had a racist manifesto and the N word written on his gun, so yeah, in this case it is right to call him a 'white supremacist terrorist' motivated by race. I would also add this is the kinda rhetoric (that the jews are organising a race take over of the US) that Tucker Carson has been pushing on FOX for years.

Incidentally, where are you statistics that 'mass shooters' are predominately black?
I beg you're pardon. Are you suggesting it is ok to say "Stupid gun toting muslims" if there's a Muslim mass shooter? LOL