Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
I don't recall Western media once portraying Bush as a tyrant for invading a sovereign country. But with Putin it's every five minutes.

Of course, the TV fully supported the butchery. Same story as the US and others bombed lumps out of Serbia, Libya and, well, the list goes on and on. The Teletubbies are too dim to realise the box in the corner of their living rooms can make them believe any old rubbish which they repeat as gospel.

The current US president should be in a nursing home. When You Try to Read a Teleprompter.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzP1hrygPtE
The first Gulf War was a result of Iraq invading Kuwait. For you to draw parallels, explain to the rest of us who exactly Ukraine have invaded, and how you know about this but the rest of us do not.