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Thread: Well done Joe

  1. #251

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    so it wasn't misinformaton after all as NYT confirm Hunter Bidens infamous laptop existence is real



    didn't the Biden crime family try to wriggle out of this one blaming the Russians again during the rigged election !
    Yet another institutional coverup aided and abetted by the media is brutally exposed. It's like a repeat of the Russia collusion hoax, with the same people getting it badly wrong yet again. I think I am seeing a pattern emerging here, and I can't help wondering what will be next on the list?

  2. #252

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    didn't the Biden crime family try to wriggle out of this one blaming the Russians again during the rigged election !
    Still wriggling, and you can now add China & Ukraine!


  3. #253

    Re: Well done Joe

    Probably the reason why some people were duped by the Russia collusion hoax and the fake Hunter Biden laptop story, amongst other things.

    Spies who lie: 51 ‘intelligence’ experts refuse to apologize for discrediting true Hunter Biden story


    As the old saying goes ... Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

  4. #254

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Probably the reason why some people were duped by the Russia collusion hoax and the fake Hunter Biden laptop story, amongst other things.

    Spies who lie: 51 ‘intelligence’ experts refuse to apologize for discrediting true Hunter Biden story


    As the old saying goes ... Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
    I think the right people know the score why this was suppressed by the dark forces but the big question is why now ?

  5. #255

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    I think the right people know the score why this was suppressed by the dark forces but the big question is why now ?
    Next question. What else has been a big lie?

  6. #256
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    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    I think the right people know the score why this was suppressed by the dark forces but the big question is why now ?
    Hmmmm Democrats/ Media now want Biden gone , just like they did when wanting the end of Trump at any cost..

    Just get the feeling this will play well and back into the orange ones hands ??

    Send for Hilary or even Megan Markle

  7. #257

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Next question. What else has been a big lie?
    i'll let organ morgan fill you in with the rest of the blanks

    i'll stick to the biden crime family talking of which more documents being released today


    i also find it very strange that main stream social media took everything down relating to this back in December 2020 but noticed images from the laptop have been put on line again but not taken down this time around

  8. #258
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    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    i'll let organ morgan fill you in with the rest of the blanks

    i'll stick to the biden crime family talking of which more documents being released today


    i also find it very strange that main stream social media took everything down relating to this back in December 2020 but noticed images from the laptop have been put on line again but not taken down this time around
    It seems an age when I started this post at the beginning I felt uneasy about what might come but hey incredibly it does appear well done Joe is falling apart at the seams , Hunters not allowed a new Laptop or phone , Pelosi fisting behaviours have seen her having treatment , Kamala Harris has disappeared somewhere near Trump's part built wall, it's a border line issue for her .

    Oh the midterms are due this year Nov 22.

  9. #259

    Re: Well done Joe

    this fella can't keep out of the news lately can he


    i wonder if the 'big man' got his 10% of the cut

  10. #260

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    this fella can't keep out of the news lately can he


    i wonder if the 'big man' got his 10% of the cut
    Fair play Mozz. Most of your gifted and talented class subscribe to websites that give at least 15 degrees of separation between the Russian propaganda they swallow and the gumpf they spew out but you are straight in there with a site quoting some spectacular dot joining by the Russian Defence Ministry.

    How have you got so muddled that you would gleefully quote the mouthpiece of a country that is trying to bomb another European country back into the stone age because it tries to attach some dirt to the son of a President you don't like?

  11. #261

    Re: Well done Joe

    i don't like ?

    never forget i got those e mails and pictures that were leaked in November 2020

    would never post them on here far too graphic and would probably get Mike kicked off the internet if I did

    We can only hope that authorities will take the lead and put the Biden crime family into the courts and hopefully into jail where they belong

    oh by the way if trumps son was the same as his ilk i would say the same before you claim i am sort of trump fan

  12. #262

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    i don't like ?

    never forget i got those e mails and pictures that were leaked in November 2020

    would never post them on here far too graphic and would probably get Mike kicked off the internet if I did

    We can only hope that authorities will take the lead and put the Biden crime family into the courts and hopefully into jail where they belong

    oh by the way if trumps son was the same as his ilk i would say the same before you claim i am sort of trump fan
    Mozz, when you stated this crusade against your credibility you were full of how Trump was cruelly robbed of his legitimate right to the Presidency by Dominion Voting Machines, dead Venezuelans, Italian IT hackers and votes being manipulated on German servers that had been seized by the US military. The fact that this absolute hokum you were posting day after day was being laughed out of every court it was entered into did not seem to phase you one iota.

    At no time before the election were you energised enough to even mention Hunter Biden. Yet a bit like the last of the Trump holdouts you seem hooked into only relatively recently have you hooked into Hunter Biden, presumably because that's all that's left.

    The facts are pretty plain.

    Joe Biden emerged as a limited nominee from a flawed field of Democrat candidates;

    Trump and his team thought the best way to get to Biden was through this dislikeable and morally compromised son;

    He sent his hit squad of Guiliani and others to try and dig up dirt in the Ukraine whilst also blackmailing Zelensky over witholding arms aid if he did not co-operate by starting an investigation, which led to his first impeachment when this was disclosed by a whistleblower.

    They threw the kitchen sink when Biden's laptop amazingly got recovered in a New York repair shop in time for the great, October Surprise.

    The surprise was that the Trump gang were surprised when it hit the polls like a lead balloon, barely registering outside the tin-foil gang.

    Despite all this, and Biden's mediocrity, Trump lost the election handsomely.

    Of course you are not a Trump fan. Trump fans would be lauding the fact that he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, never started a war, was building the wall and spent pages and pages bemoaning how his rightful election was stolen. That's obviously not you.

    No you are just anti the installed one, Sleepy Joe, leader of a crime family who should be locked up because he has a son of poor character and anything the Russian Ministry of Defence say (as long as they say it on some far-right website and not the Guardian) is ripe for belief and reproduction.

  13. #263

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    i don't like ?

    never forget i got those e mails and pictures that were leaked in November 2020

    would never post them on here far too graphic and would probably get Mike kicked off the internet if I did

    We can only hope that authorities will take the lead and put the Biden crime family into the courts and hopefully into jail where they belong

    oh by the way if trumps son was the same as his ilk i would say the same before you claim i am sort of trump fan
    Now he's being tied to deadly pathogen research in Ukraine?


  14. #264
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    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Now he's being tied to deadly pathogen research in Ukraine?

    Hunter is being Hunted as the Democrats media now realise there is a dodgy story or two , with Trump and the Russian collusion dying away, and the appearance of Hilarys dodgy involvement in FBI investigation of Trump,
    the Liberal press are now seekingb Biden's / Harris blood as they don't want another Trump term .

    Who will the Democrats media champion next ?

    Such fun.

  15. #265
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    Re: Well done Joe

    Biden attempts to be Trump like are backfiring he has corrected his alleged ''regime change'' quote with "could not remain in power"" oooh that will frighten old Vlad

    To be honest I preferred the regime change quote at least it was honest in what he and others really think .

    Putin would have said the regime change one without fear if he was in Joe's boots

  16. #266
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Well done Joe

    Biden getting some things right:


    Joe Biden proposed a new tax on America’s richest households when he unveiled his latest budget on Monday.

    The Biden administration wants to impose a 20% minimum tax on households worth more than $100m. The proposal would raise more than $360bn over the next decade and “would make sure that the wealthiest Americans no longer pay a tax rate lower than teachers and firefighters”, according to a factsheet released by the White House.

    The plan – called the “billionaire minimum income tax” – is the administration’s most aggressive move to date to tax the very wealthiest Americans.

  17. #267
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    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Biden getting some things right:


    Joe Biden proposed a new tax on America’s richest households when he unveiled his latest budget on Monday.

    The Biden administration wants to impose a 20% minimum tax on households worth more than $100m. The proposal would raise more than $360bn over the next decade and “would make sure that the wealthiest Americans no longer pay a tax rate lower than teachers and firefighters”, according to a factsheet released by the White House.

    The plan – called the “billionaire minimum income tax” – is the administration’s most aggressive move to date to tax the very wealthiest Americans.
    That is a great decision , it will be interesting to see how this plays out in the primaries as Trump was/is trying to appeal to blue collar workers in the rust belts where they have seen their manufacturing work disappear overseas along with huge job loss.. poverty and the thought that migrants as cheap dirty labour were taking their job opportunities , the very same billionaires ,some even being wealthy democrats , were using the migrant labour unlawfully to keep wages down and their profits up .

  18. #268

  19. #269
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Some of his synapses are missing. It's like going back 40 US presidential years!

  20. #270

    Re: Well done Joe

    What's going on here, is Joe nobbling the US energy supply?

  21. #271
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    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I hear Joe wants to double minimum wage to $15 dollars from $7.25.

    Whilst your there Joe, stop the tip tax that has kept minimum wage so low through many democratic and republican administrations.
    And we see it happening


    Biden’s American Rescue Plan fueled inflation. So did post-COVID shortages

    More inflation


    More and more it looks Trump like , Joe must get re- elected .

    Take ( away ) that you pesky Chinese's


  22. #272

    Re: Well done Joe

    What does this:

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I hear Joe wants to double minimum wage to $15 dollars from $7.25.

    Whilst your there Joe, stop the tip tax that has kept minimum wage so low through many democratic and republican administrations.
    Have to do with this?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    And we see it happening


    Biden’s American Rescue Plan fueled inflation. So did post-COVID shortages

    More inflation


    More and more it looks Trump like , Joe must get re- elected .

    Take ( away ) that you pesky Chinese's


  23. #273
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    Re: Well done Joe

    Impeachment looming??

  24. #274

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Impeachment looming??
    impeached for what ?

  25. #275
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    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    impeached for what ?
    Afghanistan and Hunters laptop evidence.

    Introduced in House (01/21/2021)

    This resolution impeaches President Joseph Robinette Biden for abuse of power by enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

    Specifically, the resolution sets forth an article of impeachment stating that, in his former role as Vice President, President Biden abused the power of that office through enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors by allowing his son Hunter Biden to influence the domestic policy of a foreign nation and accept benefits from foreign nationals in exchange for favors.

    The article states that, by such conduct, President Biden

    endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of government;threatened the integrity of the democratic system;interfered with the peaceful transition of power;imperiled a coordinate branch of government; anddemonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office.

    The article also states that this conduct warrants immediate impeachment, trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

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