Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
this is very basic stuff to refute.
the Van Allen belts were known about at the time of the Apollo missions, they calculated how much exposure they thought they would receive during the few hours they spent crossing the belts and the astronauts wore dosimeters that were reviewed after they returned, which showed they'd received pretty much the amount of radiation they had expected.
That was a rebuttal?

Where's your evidence that any state has sent a man farther than 400 miles away during the past five decades? It should be easy-peasy to provide some.

I'm sure Cyril and a few others have desperately searched for evidence that the Chinese, Indians, Russians, The European Space Agency or some other country has in order to refute my assertion but they have failed to find any because none exists.

Again, it was somehow possible between 1969 to 1972 to send man 240 thousand miles to the Moon (that's six hundred times farther than 400 miles) but it's proved impossible to get someone as little as 500 miles ever since?