Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
The astonishment is because we are on the precipice of a wholly contrived collapse.

Actually, I'm quite envious of those who remain totally clueless about what's directly ahead.

I'll guess that most will awaken in the space of a week when TV screens are filled with stories of stock market crashes worldwide and scenes of desperate people queuing to get their money out of cash machines to spend it before its purchasing power hits nil.

What's the mood at your Lodge? Your Ave Satanis crew will be in the same boat as everyone else.
Let's get this straight before we move on.

Is the world-wide economic melt-down due to happen in a week or do you mean it will last a week?

Leaving a depopulated world where a remnant of microchipped slaves serve the needs of the New World Order as they relax in luxury in their 5 star bunker under Denver?

This is important. No room for ambiguity.