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Thread: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

  1. #76

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by Tito Fuente View Post
    You're not a nice person, are you (rhetorical).
    Look, you should know from his patriotic call to arms elsewhere that LoM loves this country and its people....well the Naturally Born ones obviously, and then not the naturally born republicans, socialists or the nationalists of course, or naturally born fat people, unsurprisingly, or naturally born people who go on foreign holidays or football games, it goes without saying.

    "Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me".

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    My contact has given a worrying update. The timeline for chaos and societal collapse has been hastened. By this June's end, most likely, or by July's at the absolute latest, goods and services will become either unobtainable or unaffordable as confidence in currencies disappear.

    I was reminded to bulk buy less obvious products while they are still available. Items such as soap, toothpaste, etc, along with footwear. With an eye to winter, a decent coat today can be had for £80-£100. Similar will cost thousands before too long.

    The play is to make everyone go broke then watch them starve as they tear each other apart. Rolling electricity blackouts every day will drive most to despair in very short order.
    Slightly off topic and more serious , does your contact know when the City's retained list is coming out ??

    Is Ralls the only one on it ??

  3. #78

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    have no fears Morgs Greta and the climate change crew have it all in hand under Schwabs great reset plan !

    Pupils at four primary schools in Wales are to be fed insects such as crickets, grasshoppers, silkworms, locusts and mealworms as part of a project to gauge children’s appetite for “alternative protein”.

    Well done you, you beat me to it. I logged in specifically to post the tweet you have. The WEF boys tell us years in advance what their intentions are, and among those is the hoi polloi's diet will consist of insects and worms.

    This test run in four Welsh schools is part of, wait for it, 'The Future of Wales Project'.

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by Tito Fuente View Post
    You're not a nice person, are you (rhetorical).
    Your barking up the wrong tree fella i'm universally loved .

  5. #80

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Slightly off topic and more serious , does your contact know when the City's retained list is coming out ??

    Is Ralls the only one on it ??
    I realise you're being ironic. But these past few days I've observed with astonishment how so many people have been utterly consumed with a few dozen strangers humping a bag of wind around in Paris.

  6. #81

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I realise you're being ironic. But these past few days I've observed with astonishment how so many people have been utterly consumed with a few dozen strangers humping a bag of wind around in Paris.
    Ever think your talents are wasted on a Football Messageboard given the amount of stony ground your best seeds seem to fall upon?

  7. #82

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I realise you're being ironic. But these past few days I've observed with astonishment how so many people have been utterly consumed with a few dozen strangers humping a bag of wind around in Paris.
    Let me get this straight - despite posting on a football message board for decades, you're astonished that the Champions League final is popular?

    Even more astonishing is that there are people here* who read your posts, written by a man completely bewildered by the world he lives in, and take them seriously!

    *Admittedly no more than three

  8. #83

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    In this thread, or a similar one, I mentioned the film Soylent Green (Soylent Green Trailer - https://youtu.be/NB_s47z4EIo).

    It has attracted a great deal more attention of late as it is set in the year 2022.

    Released in 1973 it stars Charlton Heston. The words 'global warming' were used and Heston's character was sweaty in most scenes.

    The plot is about an apocalyptic world in which society is rapidly descending into chaos. About the only food available is the government supplied Soylent Green that the starving fight to get their hands on. What Soylent Green is is a closely guarded secret but most hope and believe it is plankton-based. The viewer learns later it is made from humans who have perished.

    Events become so dystopian that Sol, played by Edward G. Robinson, checks into one of the many euthanasia centres that had opened.

  9. #84

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    In Tomorrow's "How Dystopian Hollywood formed my worldview", Organ Morgan will critique how Charlton Heston's appearance in Planet of the Apes predicted the Great MonkeyPox Plague of 2023.

  10. #85

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Let me get this straight - despite posting on a football message board for decades, you're astonished that the Champions League final is popular?

    Even more astonishing is that there are people here* who read your posts, written by a man completely bewildered by the world he lives in, and take them seriously!

    *Admittedly no more than three
    The astonishment is because we are on the precipice of a wholly contrived collapse.

    Actually, I'm quite envious of those who remain totally clueless about what's directly ahead.

    I'll guess that most will awaken in the space of a week when TV screens are filled with stories of stock market crashes worldwide and scenes of desperate people queuing to get their money out of cash machines to spend it before its purchasing power hits nil.

    What's the mood at your Lodge? Your Ave Satanis crew will be in the same boat as everyone else.

  11. #86
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The astonishment is because we are on the precipice of a wholly contrived collapse.

    Actually, I'm quite envious of those who remain totally clueless about what's directly ahead.

    I'll guess that most will awaken in the space of a week when TV screens are filled with stories of stock market crashes worldwide and scenes of desperate people queuing to get their money out of cash machines to spend it before its purchasing power hits nil.

    What's the mood at your Lodge? Your Ave Satanis crew will be in the same boat as everyone else.
    Let's get this straight before we move on.

    Is the world-wide economic melt-down due to happen in a week or do you mean it will last a week?

    Leaving a depopulated world where a remnant of microchipped slaves serve the needs of the New World Order as they relax in luxury in their 5 star bunker under Denver?

    This is important. No room for ambiguity.

  12. #87

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Few know the exact dates but signs it's imminent are everywhere. Imminent as in before this year's end and likely within the next few months.

    Mention of Denver airport, you and anyone else with 20 minutes to spare can view online that Satanic artwork on display there.

    Why Satanic? Its capstone is there for all to view. To save you searching for it, here it is: https://www.insureandgo.com/wp-conte...onic-stone.jpg

  13. #88

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The astonishment is because we are on the precipice of a wholly contrived collapse.

    Actually, I'm quite envious of those who remain totally clueless about what's directly ahead.

    I'll guess that most will awaken in the space of a week when TV screens are filled with stories of stock market crashes worldwide and scenes of desperate people queuing to get their money out of cash machines to spend it before its purchasing power hits nil.

    What's the mood at your Lodge? Your Ave Satanis crew will be in the same boat as everyone else.
    What if I put in a good 10 hours worrying about preparing for the apocalypse? Can I have a bit of free time in the evening and watch the football then?

  14. #89

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Big news. Bill Gates is tracking people for the government through cheeseburgers made of fake meat made in a peach tree dish.

  15. #90

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    In other news..

    Grubs up: school children in Wales are being served bugs for lunch



  16. #91

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    What if I put in a good 10 hours worrying about preparing for the apocalypse? Can I have a bit of free time in the evening and watch the football then?
    You're free to do whatever you please, old bean. Savour every moment of what you enjoy while you're still able to.

    PS Fair play, I can honestly say I had never heard of a peach tree dish.

  17. #92

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Big news. Bill Gates is tracking people for the government through cheeseburgers made of fake meat made in a peach tree dish.

    Kin ell lardy never thought you would be following green on social media next you will be joining Trumps Truth social media

    as for Mr Gates the reason why he is the biggest USA farmland owner


  18. #93

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Britons warned of winter blackouts

    Electricity across the UK could be rationed as the energy crisis deepens, London says

    As many as six million British households could be subjected to power cuts this winter if Russian gas supplies to Europe stop, The Times reported Sunday, citing a Whitehall document.

    It said that imports of natural gas from Norway could halve next winter amid surging EU demand. Britain buys around half of its total supplies from the Nordic country. More: https://www.rt.com/business/556320-u...kouts-warning/

    Like everyone else, I'm quite prepared to stoically dig ever deeper to pay for energy, grub and everything else, but I don't fancy cold showers and having to huddle around a candle for some warmth during the depths of winter. My support for Ukraine's Nazi Azov Battalion is not limitless.

  19. #94

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    You're free to do whatever you please, old bean. Savour every moment of what you enjoy while you're still able to.

    PS Fair play, I can honestly say I had never heard of a peach tree dish.
    Spend 30 seconds watching the video and you can find out what it is. Worth bearing in mind that this woman's views on the world and its future are quite aligned with your own. You're batting on her team.

  20. #95

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    Kin ell lardy never thought you would be following green on social media next you will be joining Trumps Truth social media

    as for Mr Gates the reason why he is the biggest USA farmland owner

    Kin ell mozz, never thought you would be confused about different Twitter handles, and how accounts can post videos with other people in them.

  21. #96

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    This is from last month. The in-the-know can foretell what's coming because it is they who are organising it.

    Rockefeller Foundation President Starts Countdown Until All Hell Breaks Loose

    Rockefeller Foundation President Rajiv Shah told Bloomberg Television's David Westin a "massive, immediate food crisis" is on the horizon.

    'Shah's timeline for the next food crisis is an ominous warning that elites will use the events as a perfect opportunity to implement their plan to begin the transformation of the food supply system. Meat becomes a delicacy for the rich while the working-poor are stuck eating insects and berries. The great reset is well underway.'

    Full article - https://www.zerohedge.com/commoditie...l-breaks-loose

  22. #97

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Some useful information for those on a budget who hope to decline free cockroaches at their local foodbank.

    Top 10 Foods Highest in Calories - https://www.myfooddata.com/articles/...orie-foods.php

  23. #98

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Another insider issues a thinly-veiled warning that a collapse of the US dollar's value is in the offing.

    Former Goldman Sachs PhD: "Never returning to normal"

    PhD Economist: “Don’t Bet on It”

    According to former Goldman Sachs executive, Nomi Prins…

    Americans who are hoping for a ‘return to normal’ are going to be shocked when they see what happens next in America.

    She says, “If you’re betting your job, savings, or retirement accounts on a return to ‘normal’ you’re about to be left behind by a brand-new crisis few see coming. https://www.zerohedge.com/sponsored-...turning-normal

  24. #99

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Here's a new five-minute video featuring Klaus Schwab's top advisor Yuval Harari. In this one the Great Reset fans' favourite sociopath ponders what to do over the next decade with "all these useless people" who he later describes their lives as "meaningless" and "worthless".

    What he says in public is hair-raising. The private discussions this monster has with his fellow Nazi eugenicists must be mind-boggling.

    Yuval Noah Harari | What to Do With All of These Useless People? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qOHwplbt7E

  25. #100

    Re: There's still time to stock up on food and other essentials

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Another insider issues a thinly-veiled warning that a collapse of the US dollar's value is in the offing.

    Former Goldman Sachs PhD: "Never returning to normal"

    PhD Economist: “Don’t Bet on It”

    According to former Goldman Sachs executive, Nomi Prins…

    Americans who are hoping for a ‘return to normal’ are going to be shocked when they see what happens next in America.

    She says, “If you’re betting your job, savings, or retirement accounts on a return to ‘normal’ you’re about to be left behind by a brand-new crisis few see coming. https://www.zerohedge.com/sponsored-...turning-normal
    Incompetence or a controlled demolition?


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