Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
So you wear it to protect you from other people. But the purpose of them was to stop you unwittingly infecting others. Not the same thing.
The other morning I was coming down western Ave from Eastern Ave just near Tesco and there was a man walking along the pavement wearing a mask. He was perhaps 40 odd years old.
The thing was it was about 8:15 AM and there wasn't another pedestrian within 200 yds of him or anywhere on the street (I don't know what that is in metres, sorry!). Completely pointless!
It just shows how stupid and ill informed people can be.
No, I tend to do my shopping early in the mornings in supermarkets where, especially in these days where you can scan what you’re buying yourself, you barely come across anyone else when you’re in there - if I was going to the same branch of Tescos I tend to use at 6am at, say, 3pm, I think I’d probably wear a mask both for my protection and for others (it’s not the case that masks provide no protection for the wearer, but it is less than it does for those you come into contact with while wearing a mask).

As for what others wear, that for them to do what they feel most comfortable with. A month ago, I would have been wearing a mask wherever I was going, but I feel more confident now because the figures are a lot lower now than they were. However, if someone feels that they need to wear a mask even when there’s not anyone within 200 yards of them, that’s up to them, they’re not doing anyone any harm, whereas I’ll always believe that those, few, selfish people who insisted on not wearing masks in lockdowns in shops I visited were, potentially, harming themselves and others.