I see several Britons feature among the attendees at this year's annual Bilderberg meeting which begun yesterday in the USA according to Bilderberg itself.

There's around 130 arch-globalists holed-up in some swanky Washington DC hotel. The king and Prime Minister of Holland are rubbing shoulders with Henry Kissinger and Pfizer's CEO (aka Mr Clot Shot), but as per usual the BBC finds nothing whatsoever is newsworthy about the gathering or what they discuss for four days.

Several of the Brits there are on the UK government payroll. There's a top spook, Michael Gove from Parliament's Blue Team and David Lammy from the Red Team. Gove and Lammy are regular twitter users but neither have bothered mentioning to their followers where they are at right now.

It's almost as if they would rather people don't know.

BILDERBERG MEETING 2022 Washington D.C., 2 June - 5 June 2022 https://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/p...e/participants