Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
In this thread, or a similar one, I mentioned the film Soylent Green (Soylent Green Trailer - https://youtu.be/NB_s47z4EIo).

It has attracted a great deal more attention of late as it is set in the year 2022.

Released in 1973 it stars Charlton Heston. The words 'global warming' were used and Heston's character was sweaty in most scenes.

The plot is about an apocalyptic world in which society is rapidly descending into chaos. About the only food available is the government supplied Soylent Green that the starving fight to get their hands on. What Soylent Green is is a closely guarded secret but most hope and believe it is plankton-based. The viewer learns later it is made from humans who have perished.

Events become so dystopian that Sol, played by Edward G. Robinson, checks into one of the many euthanasia centres that had opened.
Any man who plays Moses so convincingly is someone to reckon with he was a powerful man ,president of the NRA for many years, surprised he never became American President .

He loved this saying
"" I'll give you my gun when you pry (or take) it from my cold, dead hands"