Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
I couldn't help but notice the US, Australia, Britain and other countries predicted to suffer the greatest population declines, as per Deagel's 2025 forecasts, were all in favour of supporting the proposed 13 Yank amendments to the WHO treaty at their meeting which finished eight days ago. Had it passed, every country would have surrendered their health sovereignty to the WHO.

It failed to thanks mostly to nearly 50 African nations giving the nefarious globalists' plan the middle finger. Did the BBC keep mum about this news too?

Should Dolores Cahill be correct, the all-cause mortality rate in countries which needled its citizens with real mRNA shots, rather than placebos, will explode higher between 2023 to 2026 and with it destroy their economies. Perhaps manufacturing an economic implosion, maybe a substantial conflict too, before then is to provide the necessary cover for a mass die off.
I missed this but about placebos before. What an excellent Get Out Of Gaol Free card that is.

So if in 5 years time the population of Europe is not reduced to 20% of current levels (and the CCMB is reduced to Organ and Wales-Bales talking to each other about bunkers and Pot Noodles) it is all because we were jabbed with the saline solution?

Conspiracy within conspiracy! Makes a total nonsense (again) of the supposed master plan for World domination, but manages to cover all bases.

I’m impressed, and Dolores is impressed.